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How to Go Green- Work from Home

You can also work to support and promote go green by working from home as it will help you to save a lot of power consumption and also it is a very good way to go green. You can opt to work from home rather than going to office. The concept of working from home sounds ideal and there are many people who are working from home but it is not as easy as it sounds. This requires maintenance of a good working atmosphere at home and it has great emotional and productive benefits as well for those who think that they can work better at home with a space. This will help you to avoid the production of carbon which you otherwise might be producing through the consumption of car fuel and disposable boxes of lunch, etc. This article will give you some great tips through which you can work from home with productivity and also you can manage to go green.

Tips for Green Work from Home:

1. The first thing to start your green work from home is to discuss the idea with your current boss. You can ask him to allow you to work from home even once or twice a week and it can make a great difference to the environment. But if your employer refuses to agree, you must look for some other job which can facilitate you to work from home. You can also think of starting your own business to go green.

2. You can also help to promote go green by changing your office environment into a green work place and it will surely help you to increase the productivity of your work place.

3. The next thing you can do is the selection of your desk where you will spend most of the time while doing work. Avoid using any desk which is not made up of environment friendly material. Prefer to choose a wooden desk which is sustainable or any metal desk which is non toxic.

4. You must look for a good seating adjustment as you are going to spend the whole day while working on the computer and your sitting posture can affect your neck, back and shoulder muscles. You should choose a chair which can support you to have a good seating posture and for this also prefer the sustainable wood and non toxic material of dye used on the chair wood and fabric.

5. Computer is a must tool for work but the choice of computer is also important. If you are going to use computer for simple tasks, then avoid having any complicated processor and prefer some simple processor. Try to buy the EPEAT certified computers and laptops as they are made up of less toxic materials.

6. Since you need to stay in touch with a lot of people while working, you must prefer the equipment which is green.

7. Avoid having a stock of pens and papers on your desk and try to keep it green by limiting it to couple of pens and a few papers.

8. If you are keeping your record online, then you must avoid using paper and it is a great way to go green.

9. Working from home is green but it will also affect your social interaction and you must keep your life social by going outside daily for a walk as it will help you to stay healthy and active.

How to Go Green: Spring Cleaning

At the end of winter and the start of spring, most of us open up our windows to start the spring cleaning. Although not all of us try to clean the house to welcome the spring, many are there who do the cleaning when the spring starts. While cleaning your house you must avoid all those methods which are anti-green.

The most important aspect to keep your cleaning green is the avoidance of the use of all those supplies which are supported by antibacterial chemicals. You can use the natural ingredients like baking powder and vinegar to clean your shelves and cabinets. So you can start your spring cleaning of the home by starting your work from the trouble places. You can reuse and recycle many of the ingredients which are mostly thrown off while cleaning the house. This article is about all those tips which can help you to recycle and reuse the items which you are otherwise going to waste.

Great Tips for Spring Cleaning:

1. The first step towards your thorough cleaning is to get rid of all un-necessary and unused items available in your drawers and shelves. Clean each and every closet and cabinet to get rid of all extra and unwanted stuff to avoid your home getting messy. This will help you to keep your house clean in less time during future days.

2. Once you have short listed the whole stuff, avoid throwing it immediately; have a look at the stuff and sort out the items which can be reused. This will surely help you avoid the wastage of money on the purchase of items in replacement of the short listed stuff.

3. If you find that the stuff you have got rid of cannot be used any more, you can donate the stuff to show good will and it can be recycled by donation. You can also sell the items and make some money.

4. The last thing which you can do with the exhausted stuff is to give it for recycling as it is environment friendly and will help you support the clean environment around you.

5. The next step in cleaning is to have a look at the items you are left with and see if you need to buy something and avoid buying too much to create the mess again. Keep your shelves clean, spacious and environment friendly.

6. You can buy the supplies used for organic cleaning which are eco friendly but you can also make your own cleaning supplies which will surely keep things green. You can use a combination of vinegar or washing soda and hot water to clean the house with an environment friendly cleaner.

7. While cleaning your home, you must avoid the wastage of items while cleaning as it will be an eco-friendly cleaning.

Try to be eco-friendly and use the green supplies and home made cleaning supplies to keep the environment clean and avoid using the toxic materials for cleaning.

South Atlantic Fishery limits and accountability measures

Hi Natures Organic Market,

You were one of more than 30,000 Care2 members who signed the petition to end overfishing and protect ocean ecosystems in the southeastern U.S. -- and today, we have great news to report! The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council listened to your voice and approved annual catch limits and accountability measures for 9 of the 10 species undergoing overfishing in the region.

This measure includes new protections for the critically endangered Warsaw grouper and speckled hind and for snowy grouper, which is vulnerable to extinction according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The amendment is now on its way to the Secretary of Commerce for final approval.

The Council also moved forward on details of an amendment to end overfishing and rebuild the red snapper population, which includes a closure to all red snapper fishing and of selected ocean areas to bottom fishing for snapper and grouper species. The Council's preferred alternative closes bottom fishing from just north of Charleston, South Carolina, to Cape Canaveral, Florida, from 98 feet to 300 feet in depth to protect red snapper that are often caught accidentally when fishermen target other snapper and grouper species. The Council is expected to take a final vote on the long-term red snapper plan sometime next year.

Care2 and our friends at the Pew Environment Group's Campaign to End Overfishing in the Southeast sincerely appreciate your support. We are optimistic that the broad and diverse input the Council received from you and thousands of others in the region will help restore healthy, productive fish populations for the benefit of our communities and future generations.

From Care2 Thank you,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

P.S. Successes like this remind us all that signatures on Care2 petitions really do matter!

World of Warmcraft - Jon Stewart of the Daily Show

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
World of Warmcraft
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Jon Stewart of the Daily Show with the World of Warmcraft pokes fun at the anti environmental movement and global warming experts commenting at Copenhagen plus all the VIPs at the conference who didn't car pool.

Organic Products Arrive by Christmas at Natures Organic Market

Natures Organic Market Newsletter
December 15th, 2009
Dear Rod,

Winter Holiday Sale at Natures Organic Market with your favorite organic and Green products 15-35& off their already low price. Find high quality organic tea, organic toys, organic baby clothes, and more all at reduced rates while supplies last.
Winter Holiday Sale
15% to 35% Off
Organic and Green Products
Featured Product
Fairytale Knit Stuffed Animals - 17% Off
knit monkeyMake a child's Christmas with a cute Fairytale Knit Collection stuffed animal made with organic cotton. You won't find a cuter baby toy than the Fairytale monkey or bunny.

Fairytale Knit stuffed animal ship same day to make sure it arrives by Christmas.
More Great Organic Products On Sale turtle footed
Natures Organic Market is offering its best and most popular products at severe discounts for this holiday season. Find some of your favorite products listed below or go to the Holiday Sale to see all the great savings.

Dapple Baby Dish Soap - 29% Off

More Milk Plus - 16% Off

Spring Green Organic Tea - 27% Off

Sea Turtle Footed Playsuit
- 30% Off

All Winter Holiday Sale Items Ship Same Day
Rod Hoss
Natures Organic Market
Save 35%
No need to enter any coupon code. All discounts are automatic and will show up instantly in your shopping cart.

Plus, take additional savings with multiple item orders.

Offer Expires: Discounts are automatic

Organic iced tea flavors

A cup of hot organic tea with rich aroma is certainly invigorating. But in summer as the day advances, hot tea is certainly not a welcome decision. So in those circumstances organic iced tea will be most preferred.

What is iced tea?

In simple terms, iced tea is just cold tea. Organic tea which is known for its aroma and flavor is quite refreshing during hot summer. Making of iced tea is quite simple and does not take much time.

How to prepare iced tea?

Tea bags: For making eight cups of tea, about 15 tea bags are required. Of course, it depends on how strong the tea should be. If you want more strong tea, use more bags. For light tea, reduce the number of bags accordingly.

Boil water: Take about eight cups of water, put a pinch of baking soda and then boil the water. Be sure that it is normal water which we use for regular cooking.

Tea bags: Take a heat proof pitcher; put the required tea bags in it. Once the water starts to boil, take it out of flame and pour the boiling water on the tea bags in the pitcher. Ensure that all the tea bags are submerged in the hot water. Allow the tea bags to stay in the hot water for about five minutes. If it is left for too much of time, then tannin present in the tea may get into the water in excess quantity and the tea may taste bitter. Of course, baking soda will reduce the bitterness. But baking soda may not work well if the tannin content is more than the minimum level.

Remove tea bags: After about five minutes, remove tea bags and add required quantity of sugar. Some prefer sugar syrup because it mixes well and fast. Add some lemon juice which enhances the taste and the aroma. But adding lemon is only optional. Some would prefer to add mint or apple juice to get a different flavor. Similarly, if you prefer, add cloves also. All these give different flavors for the tea. Actually, apple juice sweetens the tea. Depending on your choice, fruit juices like grape juice, orange juice, etc. can be added to the tea.

Refrigerate: Allow the tea to cool to room temperature and then keep the liquid in the refrigerator for about one to two hours. Now your iced tea is ready. Pour it in long glasses and add some ice cubes before serving.

Why choose 100% organic toys for your child?

Need for organic toys:

Children are attracted towards the toys because of the color and the shape of the toys. Some of the manufacturers of toys use materials which are artificially prepared. Researchers have shown that artificial products cause many ailments. So it affects the health of the child. They cause serious ailments like allergies, asthma and even cancer. Therefore a need has now arisen to provide our children with organic toys which are manufactured using organic materials. Such toys are available in the market and the child will be safe by using such organic toys. While playing, children have the habit of putting the toys in their mouth. If the toys are made using chemical substances, the chemicals would enter the body of the child and this affects the health of the child.

How safe are organic toys?

Organic toys are eco friendly. They do not harm the health of the child. The products that have gone into the making of the toys, say for example wood, are not exposed to any type of pesticides. They are free from chemicals and hazardous paints, etc. Many types of eco friendly organic toys are made out of wood. A toy made out of cotton cloth is another example. These products are now available in the market. Although they may cost little more than the other toys, organic toys are the safest and therefore it is worth investing in them. Stuffed animals, spoons, etc. are some of the best examples of organic toys. Even if the child puts these toys in his mouth, they do not cause any harm. So parents can safely give these toys to the child.

Their impact on environment:

Made of natural products like wood, cotton, etc., they last long. They can be repaired and reused. So they do not cause any burden on nature. In a situation where the toy needs to be discarded, it is not a burden on nature. This is because, in whatever form, it is a natural product. So nature will be willing to accept the discarded natural product into its fold. It is not so in case of artificial products. For example toys made out of plastic, even after years of their discard, nature will not accept the plastic products. On the other hand, plastic products even spoil the soil condition and therefore in whatever form, plastic is dangerous and not eco friendly.

Organic Green Tea Including Rishi Tea for All Natural Great Taste and Flavor

Organic green tea by Rishi Tea offers traditional 900 year old green tea process to create all natural great tasting flavor

Protein Deficiency Symptoms

Proteins are those macronutrients that are really essential for every person irrespective of age and sex. Eating protein rich food in the daily meal reduces appetite. In addition it also provides the power that is used by the body to convert the proteins into carbohydrates by the process known as Gluconeogenesis. There are several other important roles of proteins as well for example they are essential for body because they have nitrogen that is useful and is even must for the production of antibodies.

Now-a-days most of the people suffer from the problem of excess weight. They try several things to get rid of this problem. So if you are worried for excess weight as well, then proteins are there to help you a lot. It is so because proteins also help to lose the weight. Thus there are several advantages of proteins and its deficiency can lead to severe problems.

High protein foods help in the proper functioning of the immune system. Proteins also help in maintaining the health of your nails, hair as well as skin. In addition, proteins also help in production of enzymes.

The general amount of protein that an individual require is mainly dependant upon his/her age, health as well as weight. Normally, adult women require 0.75g/kg proteins while adult men require 0.84g/kg. However, 1kg of proteins is mainly required by people above 70 years and breastfeeding women. So the man who is of 75kg in weight would require 63g of proteins daily.

The requirement of proteins of adolescents and children vary as per their weight and age as well. It is must for every person to have sufficient amount of protein rich balanced diet in order to maintain the proper protein level in their body. Some best sources of proteins are: eggs, dairy products, meat, fish, lentils, beans, nuts, pulses, whey as well as soy products, grains (wheat, barley, corn etc.)

Thus, from the above briefing you would surely know about protein’s significance for your body. People who are not aware about such facts and are happy with their unbalance daily diet mainly develop protein deficiency symptoms that are just symptoms for the bigger problems afterwards.

If a person suffers from low energy, fatigue, depression, muscles weaknesses etc, then these signs are counted as protein deficiency symptoms. However, they may or may not happen just because of protein deficiency. There may be several other reasons behind them as well. Some specific protein deficiency symptoms found in most of the people are Fatigue, lethargy, decreased mass of muscles, edema in feet, hand or even in abdomen, impaired healing of wound etc.

It is often seen that people mainly who are vegetarian and who do not take balanced diet suffer from the problem of protein deficiency. If they include balanced ratio of grains, vegetables, dried beans, soy milk, vegetables etc in their meals, then they would never suffer from such protein deficiency symptoms. In addition, peanuts and other types of nuts are also key source of proteins. However, those who are non-vegetarian and eat egg, meat, beef, poultry, fish as well as dairy products, rarely have protein deficiency symptoms.

Some common protein deficiency symptoms that indicate that your body requires some extra amount of high protein foods are: Weight loss, muscles wasting, weakness and fatigue, frequent infections, sever edema (retention of fluid), slow development and growth in the children. In addition some specific type of protein deficiency symptoms are: Kwashiorkor, pluckable and brittle hair, alopecia, decreased pigmentation in hair, meuhrcke’s lines in nails, delay in healing of wounds, decubitus ulcers, crazy paving and flaky paint dermatitis, etc.

These protein deficiency symptoms can lead to some emotional as well as mental risks such as: apathy, anxiety, depression, irritability, moodiness, intolerance, mental alertness decrement, concentration, comprehension, increase of hunger and weight and many others serious problems. Thus, protein deficiency could prove as a major cause to make mental health of an individual weak and poor.

In addition, above protein deficiency symptoms can incorporate some physical risks like: gallstones, cold intolerance, fatigue, fainting, weakness, gouty arthritis, cardiac disorder, anemia, headaches, lean tissue loss, edema, hair loss, thinning of hair, hypotension, muscle cramps, death etc.

Thus it is very important to take proper protein rich diet in the food. It is advisable that as soon as you see any of the protein deficiency symptoms you must pay attention towards it and plan your food accordingly so as to improve your required protein level.

Climate Treaty in Copenhagen will Impact Generations to Come

If you haven't heard about the how the meetings in Copenhagen next month will impact our global climate than you are not one of the conservationists who are biting their finger nails. Next month in Copenhagen is a meeting of decision makers that will affect our planet's future for climate, forests, and wildlife for generations.

Did you know that every years more acres of from tropical forests are destroyed causing greater increases in CO2 than is emitted from all of the planes, cars, and trains on the planet combined.

Deforestation is one of the #1 causes of increased greenhouse gases affecting our global climate. Next month is imperative that supporting efforts to keep our lush tropical forests intact is a priority.

The current climate treaty called the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. The new treaty next month in Copenhagen has the ability if they chose to have even greater impact on our overall climate and planet's health. The decisions made next month will have long lasting effects on our future generations.

Alba Botanica Supports Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER)

Alba Botanica a leader in organic skin care is a proud supporter of the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER).

The chief goal of the ACEER foundation is to promote and conserve the rainforests found in the Peruvian Amazon including education on forest awareness and transformation. The ACEER achieves protecting the rainforest by supporting research that protects this unique place on earth. Also, the ACEER provides eco safe and economical benefits for the native people found in the Peru rainforests.

Alba Botanica sponsors 240 students and 10 teachers as part of the ACEER program "From School to the Garden." This eco friendly program works with Peruvian kids to learn hands on about the ecology of the rainforest in botanical gardens. The main goal of this program is to educate on the importance of the rainforest beyond just the value of harvest to sustain life.

5 Ways to Waste Less and Go Green this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is almost here. Though the holidays are typically a time of excess, they can be just as much fun while using less and Going Green this holiday season. I hope you enjoy 5 easy ways you can waste less natural resources and still enjoy your holidays.

5 Ways to Waste Less

No flying: planes take a tremendous amount of energy and create plenty of green house gases. Save a little energy by sharing this Thanksgiving with local friends and family.

Farmer markets: start a new family tradition and get your Thanksgiving Day meal at a farmer's market or local grocery store. Most food at grocery store chains has traveled thousands of miles by the time you get it home. Plus, shopping at farmer's markets supports your local economy.

No more flowers: I know you would think flowers are all about nature, though dead ones are not. This year give a gift a flowering plant that can grow and continue to live. Plus, flowering plants produce oxygen.

Recycle: the reality is there will be plenty of waste products used during the holidays. Support your family in knowing where your recycling bin is so everyone can do their part.

China: no I am not talking about the country. You know those dishes you have in that piece of cabinet in your dining room you never use. Use your good China for dinner and not just Thanksgiving dinner. You do a few extra dishes though you don't have to use tons of plastic or paper plates.

Going green - how do you know if a product is green?

If you want to help the environment and go green, here are some tips to get you started. Why go green at all? What exactly is green? How do you know which items to purchase? There are many people out there looking to cash in on the green fad. How to shop safely.

So, do you really want to do your part? Do you want to help the environment, the economy and future generations? Everyone is going green these days and it's a good thing. It shows that people are becoming more conscious of their impact on the world around them. There are so many things that our society wastes. We waste food, water, building materials such as wood from trees and many many more. It's disgusting when you think about all of that money wasted. Think of the time that's wasted too. If you don't change the way you live and shop - you will be leaving the world in a terrible state for future generations.

Do you want to go green? What exactly is going green? What exactly makes a product a green product? If you check the label or item description from the manufacturer - you should see no harmful chemical. All of the ingredients and materials should be easily found in the earth. They should be made using natural processes. Don't buy products that were made in a lab using all kinds of nasty substances. Going green means saying no to harmful toxins and unsafe chemicals in your home or workplace.

Green products must be made using methods that are environmentally friendly. There's more to going green than just leaving out toxic chemicals. We must use methods to produce our goods and services that are sustainable. Think about some of the factories you have seen. They produce a lot of items. They also produce a lot of waste material. It seems like madness when you really think about it. There is absolutely no reason to be spending more just to produce less. Don't let the big guys at the top play with your future, just so they can make a few quick dollars. Green products are products that are good for the earth, the economy and everyone on it. If this isn't true about a product that a manufacturer is offering - it's not green. Don't buy it!

Go green and do your part for our environment.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic toys, organic iced tea, and more.

Organic Coffee - Flavored Certified 100% Organic Coffee Beans - Jim's Organic Coffee

organic coffee with amazing taste and aroma by Jim's Organic Coffee

Do 100% Organic Skin Care Products Exist?

Organic Products - The Present Scenario

"Going Organic" seems to be the new buzzword. Whether its Hollywood celebrities or The National Geographic, everyone is talking about how to go green and switch to organic products. So, while you are browsing the endless brands of lotions and creams on the supermarket shelf, you choose only the ones that say 'organic' or 'natural.' You go home in peace thinking you did your job, you choose right and you have nothing to worry about. Right? Well, we suggest, think again. Hundreds of organic skin care products are flooding the global skin care market every day. The credibility definitely becomes questionable.

The Organic Catch

Many of us become the target to the shrewd marketing gimmicks of skincare products manufacturing companies that mislead consumers by claiming to be organic, while the truth is harshly far from it. Most skin care products that declare themselves as being Organic, in reality may merely have a few organic ingredients blended with preservatives and chemical agents. Unfortunately, the loophole is in the system, since there is no rule what so ever, restricting companies from labeling their products as 'Natural' or 'Organic.'

Organic Skin Care Products - The Concept

The basic difference between an ordinary skincare product and an organic skincare product is that the organic products are made with organically grown ingredients. Therefore, unlike conventionally cultivated materials, which are exposed to harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, organically grown materials are toxin free.

Organic Skin Care Products - Some Facts

When a skin care product is certified as 'Organic,' it generally contains 95% organic ingredients and 5% of inorganic materials, which belong to an approved National List.

When a product is certified as 'Made from Organic Ingredients,' it means it contains only 70% of organic ingredients and the other 30% contains inorganic materials from the approved National List.

Organic Purchase - The Pre-requisites

Taking into consideration all the facts it can be said that 100% pure organic products may not really exist. Still, we can definitely find the next best things for us. A few things to keep in mind before buying any organic products:

Read the Ingredients Carefully - If you cannot even pronounce a chemical's name, it maybe that it should not be there. If you are unsure about the ingredients, browse through the internet to find more information on them. Fact sheets on most chemicals can be found easily, online.

No Additives - True organic products should not contain any artificial colors, synthetic dyes, artificial fragrances, or preservatives.

Check Certification - Check for USDA (United States Departments of Agriculture) seal or ACO (Australian Certified Organic) logo on the products.

Natures Organic Market offers flat rate shipping on More Milk Plus, Organic Iced Tea, and organic products.

Organic Baby Natural Toys - Eco Safe Made from 100% Certified Organic Cotton

Organic Toys for natural and safe alternatives for babies and kids to play with made from 100% certified organic cotton

Going green - what are green products?

Are you looking to find more natural, sustainable, economically and environmentally friendly alternatives? It's very popular to buy products that are chemical free, made using logical, environmentally friends methods. Many of these products are not only designed to be friendly to the earth - they're lighter on your wallet and better for you and your loved ones. What types of green friendly products are there available?

Okay, so you've heard all of this hype before. It's easy to get swept up in new trends these days. With all of the flashy advertising we are exposed to these days, it's difficult to know what to believe. Think about what goes into some of the items you buy for you house or workplace. Think about the ways these things are made. Make sure it's safe. Don't buy goods that aren't green friendly.

Do you use cleaning products? These are almost always filled with all sorts of nasty chemicals. These are not safe to be in contact with. Some of the main ingredients you should watch out for are detergents, disinfectants, grease dissolving agents and other solvents. These are the things that with really make your skin crawl. This kind of thing used to be for industrial purpose. Now it's right in your household, under your kitchen sink or in the garage.

Green products don't have all of the harsh chemicals. They are made with no toxins or poisons. They are products that are friendly to the earth, good for humans and animals alike - most importantly, they boost our economy! Green products are the way to go!

Green products are made with natural ingredients. However, there are many different types of products that can be considered green. Have you ever seen or used recycled paper? This is made using paper that would have otherwise become landfill! Wow, what a feeling - to get a new product out of something that was going to go to waste. There are all sorts of recycled stationary products out there too.

If you want green products, go online and check out some great manufacturers. Buy all natural, cost effectively made products. They're designed to be better for us all. Buy recycled products in your home and office. Use green friendly methods of production. Green is the future. It's a way to make your business more cost effective. It's a way to build a better economy and safer planet for future generations.

Organic Stuffed Animal - Eco Friendly Babies Toy Animals Video

Organic Stuffed Animals a great gift for baby showers and for you special baby or child

Buying environmentally friendly products - the best way.

We have all heard about environmentally friend products. They're otherwise known as "green", "eco-friendly" or earth-friendly.

Throughout the last twenty or so years, environmentally friendly products have become increasingly popular. If you think about the ways they're made and the quality that we see in the market - it's not a big surprise they sell so well. It used to be considered economically friendly to just write on both sides of a piece of paper and maybe recycle your newspapers once a month. Times have changed. These days that just isn't enough. Buying green friendly products has recently been though of as a great way to help safe the planet. It does help the planet a lot. However, if you really want to be environmentally friendly you should adjust your way of living a little.

If you want to be green friendly, try to consume less of the world's natural resources. That's right, turn the power off when you leave the room. You might even try one of the new motion detecting power units that automatically turn your lights and other devices off when you leave the room. Technology has change a lot and it's becoming more sustainable. Advancing society no longer means destroying mother nature. These days it's common practice to work together with the environment. People use methods to produce products that can continue long into the future. It's not just about making a quick buck at the expense of our children now. Society has finally realized that it's time to grow up and take responsibility.

An environmentally friendly product is one that's made using non synthetic materials. They are also made using methods that don't damage the environment. One of the first big changes was the replacement of plastic shopping bags with reusable cotton alternatives. This is smarter, cheaper and leaves the planet free of millions of useless plastic bags! If you really want to think green, think bigger that just shopping bags. How about your car? The average combustion engine does a horrific amount of damage to the planet. They're terrible for people too. Have you ever thought of what's in the fumes that come from your car?

There are many greener solutions available. In time everyone will have a green alternative. It's not a matter of choice now. It's a necessity. Society has to change to learn to live with nature. It's not a war against the planet.

More Milk Plus Organic MotherLove Increase Breast Milk for Breastfeeding Moms

More Milk Plus by MotherLove for increasing mother's breast milk with all natural organic supplement

Why Use Organic Toys

Babies and children are a precious segment of our population. They need to be protected from harmful chemicals and toxic dyes used in the manufacturing of the toys they play with. A safe alternative to use is to use organic toys.

Toys are the first product that the children get to touch and play with. A majority of toys have plastic, toxic paints, lead poisoning and other evils. Therefore it is important to have a toy that is safe and can entertain, stimulate and educate the child without harming the child’s health.

The first three years of a child’s life are very crucial for the development. The child grows emotionally, mentally, physically and educationally. The child gets to know about the family and the world around. The child tends to put everything in the mouth without understanding if it is bad or good.

The toxins present in plastic toys are absorbed in through the skin, hands and saliva. Many times you would see toys becoming brittle and breaking. It is the phthalates present in the toy. These chemicals are very harmful to the baby. Apart from these chemicals, other chemicals found in these toys are dyes and stuffing made from petroleum foam.

Therefore, as parents, it is our duty to protect the children from these toxins in phthalates which make toys soft, pliable and twistable for the children who chew on these soft toys. It is important that organic material is used to make the toys which go into the mouths of the children.

Sometimes we buy toys made from wood thinking that it would be organic too. But this wood is often pine wood and these wooden toys are made from chips of wood glued together by toxic glues which emit harmful vapors and potentially harmful chemicals.

These chemicals irritate eyes, nose, lungs and skin. Allergies, cold, rashes, asthma are a result. Later problems in mental development are also seen in children exposed to these toxins. Endocrine and hormonal problems and even autism result from this exposure.

In order to protect the children from these harmful after effects of a childhood full of toxic toys, we must ensure that the toys we buy for them are organic and help in their mental development. The use of organic wool, cotton, and wood in the production of the toy would not only be good for your baby, but also for the future of the earth.

Organic Nipple Cream for Breasts with Cracked, Dry and Sore Nipples

Organic Nipple Cream by MotherLove for breasts with dry, sore, and cracked nipples

The latest craze that's good for us all - going green!

Going green is a very popular term these days. With all of the hype surrounding it, you might be skeptical. What exactly does "going green" mean? Why should you go green? What kinds of green products are there on the market? How to do I help to make the world greener? There are many different statements flying around about green products - but here are the facts.

So do you want to help save the planet? Do you want to buy products that aren't made using wasteful methods? Are you sick of hearing about horrible chemicals that are being used in common house hold items? There are things you can do to change this. Buy green products. Try to be less wasteful. Recycle whatever you possibly can. Don't help add to landfill. Going green is about thinking of ways to get things done using as small an amount of natural resources as possible. Don't be wasteful. Every time you go to throw something away, remember that it can be reused if you are willing to put in the effort. If we start to change our ways of living, being green is going to become a lot cheaper and more efficient. It can only get better, the greener we go!

I know some people might need more convincing. If it's not enough to help the environment, the economy and the future of our children - how about this. Take a look at the labels on some of the items you have around the house. Check out the toys that your son or daughter plays with. Do they every chew on their toys? Plastic toys are made from some pretty horrid stuff. It is often toxic and should be nowhere need a child. It should definitely not be used to make children's toys! Look at the cleaning products you have. How about the stuff you use to clean your dishes? Even that may be bad. Cleaning products that aren't green contain a large assortment of harsh chemicals. They get into your skin. They go down the drain. They make their ways into our water ways and then there's no stopping them. They end up getting into the very earth, contaminated our soils. Every time you eat or drink, you're taking in some chemicals that are left over from all of this senseless waste. Is that enough to make you want to go green? It should be!

Organic Teddy Bear for Eco Safe Playtime for Your Kids

Organic Teddy Bear from Natures Organic Market

Green Living - What You Need to Know

The world has had progress for many decades now and has understood fully well that growth, in many ways, has taken us away from our healthful living. Therefore many of us are going back to a green living. It is a healthy living, saves us a lot of money and saves our environment. Living green is not only for us, it is also for the sake of the earth because it saves the earth from the damaging global warming.

Living green is not very tough. We can do it easily if we follow some basic things.

Love our planet. Use organic stuff which also includes hormone free products.

Grow more trees and get more oxygen. Plastic covers are convenient but very damaging for the environment. Use reusable packages.

Conserve water. Avoid wastage of water when washing dishes or clothes, check leakage of taps and use sprinklers for land watering.

Do not eat processed food. Eating fresh food is beneficial for your health and for the health of environment around you. Processed food involves the use of packaging. Fresh food grown in your own garden can help in your good health.

When building a house, try to build a traditional type of house which is closer to nature than a house with modern commodities but a claustrophobic and artificial feel. Build a house that can give you an opportunity to use natural light to the maximum. Have ventilation that will allow the circulation of cool air inside your house. You will automatically use lesser of air conditioning and therefore reduce the production of the CFC’s which are potentially damaging to hundreds of our generations to come.

You can use bamboo flooring which looks trendy and is eco friendly also.

You can switch over to the use of eco friendly lights and bulbs. They might cost more initially but they run longer than the normal ones.

Use lesser amount of energy by learning to use water with slightly lower temperature than the usual. Turn off extra lights during the day or when you do not need them. Use detergents with eco friendly ingredients.

Recycle often. Free cycle oftener. Try to share what you cannot use and try to transform what can be recycled. Show your interest in recycling or free cycling to your local authorities. They can suggest many changes. Research more on the subject and see how you can help in the recycling of our day to day material.
Get and give education on living green to your friends, family and community.

Why Organic Baby Products

We have pushed the earth to use her tolerance limits. We use many things because we must. From morning till night, we use many products that are potentially harmful not only to the user but to the entire globe. The right choice is to go for eco-friendly products in every sphere of our life. Organic baby products are one such line where we can make a difference.

The most prominent among them is using biodegradable and natural organic diapers.

Every year people use millions of cloth and disposable diapers for babies. These diapers are disposed off and they reach landfills. These diapers using chlorinated material, plastic lining, and other such compounds are a threat to our earth and water. These compounds can cause problems to the babies on whom these products are used.

You can, instead use non chlorinated, totally organic cloth diapers. And you would be helping your environment and your child. These diapers are made from wool, hemp, cotton etc. You can use natural cloth wipes in place of disposable wipes which contain chemicals. The non biodegradable fibers used in them are also harmful to the earth.

People use diapers on babies because of the convenience factor. However, in choosing convenience over environmental consciousness, we are merely depleting our own natural resources.

Baby feeders are another product that is harming the environment and the baby. The reason is that there is a chemical called Bisphenol-A or BPA found in plastic bottles. Due to repeated use, it leaches to the milk and then to the baby’s body. This chemical has been found to cause liver cancer and affect reproductive system in mice.
Being a little more careful while choosing bottles for the baby can help us in solving this problem. Either use glass bottles or use #5 bottles. These bottles are not only recyclable but have also been found not to leach out the BPA. However, these bottles will have to be constantly checked to examine for scratches, cracks and chips. Silicone nipples are ideal provided they are of the highest grade.

Other organic baby products like environmentally responsible laundry soap can also help in conserving our environment. Plant based, bio-degradable and one hundred percent natural soaps are non-toxic,, non chlorine, non enzyme, dye free, petroleum free and hypo allergenic. Therefore these are very safe for the baby.

Organic clothing made of cotton or wool that is free from pesticides and toxic dyes also helps the baby and the planet earth.

We need to shift to using organic products so that our future generations and the planet are saved from harm.

Earth friendly products - think of what you're throwing in the trash!

Don't throw that out! This is something that we should hear more often. Do you need to buy some disposal items? There is a rising trend in buying "green" or earth friendly products. We'll discuss what exactly a green product is shortly. Perhaps you're having a picnic and you need some plastic cutlery, plates and cups. Before you go and buy some plastic so you can add it to landfill - think about the more earth friendly alternatives that are freely available.

A green product is one that's made keeping our planet in mind. They are made using methods that use a minimal amount of power and materials - keeping all waste down as much as possible. They don't use harsh chemicals that damage your body, the water ways and our soil! These poisons that we flush down the drain end up somewhere - and it's not a pretty picture.

If you want to think about one of the most wasteful products - think disposable items. We buy tons of this stuff every year. Plastic cups, plastic knives, forks and spoons. Paper plates, little plastic plate holders. Everywhere you go, you get some kind of disposable item. It's almost always made using a non biodegradable product. These end up clogging up our water ways, destroying natural resources and creating landfill. You can buy products that are made using the waste material from cane stalks. This stuff used to be thrown out - now we can use it instead of paper for cups, plates and the like. You can also buy a green alternative to plastic items. PLA is a new type of method for creating clear goods, similar to plastic, using corn. That's right, corn. Next time you need some plastic forks, think PLA. You can help turn natural materials, that were once wasted - into new and useful products. This makes sense

If you are looking to make a change in your life and help the world around you - go green. Going green is the best thing you can do for the future of our planet and our children. Green products are usually superior to traditional products. They create less waste, giving you better value for money in the long run. If you want disposable products, you can still go green. There's a wide range of naturally made disposable goods out there. Those wishing to go green no longer need to be left in the stone age! You can keep up with the modern times and still be environmentally conscious.

Green Products. Exactly what makes it green?

If you are in business or have been watching the news lately, you will have heard about "green" products. It would seem that everyone is going green! What exactly is a green product? What are the benefits of using green alternatives? Should you go green? In short, yes. It's time to start doing your part to think about the future of our children.

For something to be green friendly, it has to be conscious of safe guarding the planet and all living things on it. We are not going to be the last generation who has to live on the earth. Green products and services keep this fact in mind. Green products include those goods made using natural ingredients, using methods that aren't harmful to the environment. They are toxic free. They're made with strong and long lasting materials - designed to be bought once and kept for a life time. They're better for you, your wallet and for the whole world.

If you use natural, easily renewable methods to manufacture, you aren't going to destroy our natural resources. That's right. It's a myth that green products will bring the economy to a halt, or that they're against business. Green products are made using common sense. They use products from the earth that are tough. If you buy a quality green made product, you will have added to less pollution during the making process. You will not have contributed to the landfill that unnatural products create. Natural materials can be easily broken down and return to the earth. Plastic and other chemicals sticks around for years, making the earth a garbage pile. If you don't choose green, you're sending your children up the creek without a paddle, so to speak.

Green is better for the economy and better for the planet. It's the only choice for a responsible society who cares about the world we are creating for today's youth. Do you care about future generations? Would you rather give in to cheap marketing tricks, designed to make you buy useless plastic junk? There are easier ways to produce goods, using natural methods and materials. The future presents us with limitless opportunities to keep our modern society advancing at a high rate - while also being conscious of our effects on the planet. You can save money, save time and get better quality if you go green.

Environmentally friendly products - what's the deal?

Have you noticed the rising trend in "green" or "eco-friendly" products? Slowly but surely they are starting to take over a larger share of the market. It's important to buy green products. It's better for us all. There are many more products with the label environmentally friendly coming onto our shelves. With all of the hype and buzz about going green, it's easy to get confused.

Green products are those on the market which are good for the planet, and good for the living creatures on it - including you and I, people. They are made using natural and sustainable resources and methods. A green product should be free of harmful chemical. They are often made using the highest quality products. They incorporate cutting edge designs for a newer, greener - smarter planet. Do you want to help reduce your negative effect on the earth? It's time to think of ways to make the future brighter for our children and their children.

The idea to go green started back in the 1980s. It started when people discovered that a lot of the stuff we use, and techniques we employ to make products was unsafe. In order to stop doing so much damage, people started to make green products. These are products that are designed and made in a way so that they don't damage the earth. They are intended to create a sustainable future for our economy, our planet and the people destined to inhabit it in the future. Green products aren't just a fad today. In the times we live in, it's very irresponsible if you don't buy and work in an environmentally friendly manner.

How do you know if you are buying a truly green product? To get products that are environmentally friendly, you need to do some research. Who makes the product? Have a look at their web site on the internet. If they don't have one, see if they have an information package. Whatever you do, you need to see how they operate. Do they take steps to reduce pollution and waste? Do they use natural, sustainable materials? Do they use recycled products? Do they recycle? Of course, you should check that the product is high quality and made from natural materials.

Green products are better for the earth. They're made using more logical and efficient methods. Going green isn't a new idea. It's just one that's taken too long to catch on. Don't make it take even longer. Make sure that you buy green products from environmentally friendly companies.

Everyone is going green! Join the latest trend and save our planet.

We are living in a society that sees a lot of media hype. It seems to be daily that we are confronted with advertisements about how to help the planet and go green. When people start throwing around terms like "save the planet" or "help save the economy", it's easy to become a little skeptical. How can you possibly help the environment and help the state of the economy by simply changing the products you buy? It's fairly simple once to learn what it's all about. There are a wide range of products out there that are superior. They're safer for your household and children. They are made using an eco-friendly approach. This helps pass extra savings onto you. Learn why going green is the only way.

If you aren't quite sure about all this green hype, it's time to learn more about it. You're smart to be cautious. It's easy to be misled with all the hype and different trends out there. Going green isn't simply a trend; it's the way things should be. If you are running your own business, you should learn how to go green with your own company. Take a look at some of the wonderful power saving, cost efficient devices out there.

You can install light switches with motion sensors - designed to automatically turn off when there's nobody in the room. No more reaching for the light switch every time you come into a new area of your work place. Don't worry about the lights in your workplace being left off. These items can be fixed to many other electrical devices, not just lights. How can you justify wasting so much power and money? Green means that it's friendly to the environment and also to your budget. Green is better.

You should consider using recycled materials in your work place. It's been a popular myth for a while that recycled products are inferior. Perhaps a long time ago, it was harder to get the share of the market. Green companies simply couldn't afford to sell their products at a good price. Most of the hype about recycled products being inferior was created by rival companies. They don't want to share the market with new, greener companies - because they know that green is easier to make and cheaper to the consumer. Don't let them trick you into buying inefficient and wasteful products. Green is better - green is good!

Green products - why should you use them?

There are many reasons to choose green products. What exactly is a green product? If you want a great example, think about the common plastic shopping bag. This is not a green product - it's the opposite of green, in fact. While the stores are no longer allowed to sell them, there are many that still litter our planet. These plastic bags are cheaply made. They do not last. In fact, they often break before you even get your groceries home! How can a society that claims to be modern thinking allow this kind of illogical waste? Luckily, things are starting to change. Everyone is going green. Even the big supermarkets have eco-friendly, reusable bags that you can be purchased for a small price.

Going green means saving lives. Think about all of the products that use ingredients made from animal. Do you life fur? Many people are disgusted by the sight of leather and fur these days. It's no wonder. Think about the way that these animals are killed - just so that you can have a new fashion item. If you really want to go green, you should only buy products that do not harm animals in the manufacturing process. Are you aware that some cosmetic companies still use animal testing? How can we claim to live in a civilized society if this goes on?

Unnatural products and chemicals are slowly poisoning us all! Don't think that this is just hype. Do you use cleaning products? If you're like most people, you probably just buy whatever brand works best and sells for the best price. Where does this stuff go after you're done cleaning? Down the drain or into the garden? No matter where you put it - those chemicals are going to end up in our water ways. That means they will eventually find their ways into your drinking water, into the food we grow and into your body. This will eventually cause more sickness. We are basically killing our own species with chemicals. Don't do it!

In order to be classified as green - a product must be made in an eco-friendly way, out of natural, sustainable materials. Green products are products that don't destroy nature and wildlife. They don't spread toxic chemicals around the water system or through our soil. Don't help pollute the earth. Don't help to poison the planet and your children. Think green, be smart - keep the earth safe for future generations.

All natural organic toys - what's best for your child?

Do you have children? Your son or daughter, like all children, will likely have a collection of toys. They love to collect all kinds of play things. Dolls for the girls, toy soldiers for the boys. There are so many different kinds being produced. You might start to wonder - just what are these toys all made out of? They are often made using toxic ingredients. If you want to ensure a safe world for your children, you should consider buying green. Learn how to make the right choices when buying organic toys for your child.

Kid love toys. If there's one thing that an average child likes more than a toy - it's a new toy! You will no doubt have bought a few toys for your child. You have probably purchased many new toys for them over the years. These come in all shapes and sizes. They're made in many different countries around the world. Some are very nice and some are very cheaply made using questionable materials. Often the cheaper toys are made using unsafe chemicals.

If you have a son or daughter, you know that kids sometimes put toys in their mouths. They like to chew on stuff! If you are giving a toy to a young child, they are most likely going to see what it tastes like. Do you really want to give your child a toy made of toxic plastic, know that they will try to chew it? It's not good for you to ingest these types of chemicals, even a little. They should not use them to make toys for kids. If you want an alternative, there are many out there.

There are so many fun, exciting and eco-friendly organic products - you will have a hard time choosing which one is your favorite! If you're looking for a toy that's safe for your child and also the planet - wood is good! That's right, you should try to buy wood products that are made using FSC certified wood. If you're thinking about buying natural products, consider going for one that doesn't use electricity. This is good for the environment.

All natural, organic toys are much better for your child, your wallet and also the planet. How can you possibly justify spending your hard earned money on cheap, easily broken plastic toys that might be harmful to your child?

How to Brew Organic Iced Tea

#1 Add 1 tea pouch to a ice tea pitcher

#2 Pour 16 oz boiling water over pouch. Steep 5 min

#3 Add 160z cold water and remove pouch.

#4 Pour over ice. Enjoy

Organic Japanese Sencha Brewing Instructions

#1 Cool freshly boiled water to 180 degrees F in a water cooling pitcher.

#2 Add 1 tablespoon of tea to an 8oz teapot

#3 Pour 7 oz of water over the tea. Infusion time: 3-4 minutes

#4 Decant the entire teapot into a cup and enjoy

Sencha Organic Tea Brewing Tips: Japanese green teas have small, tender leaves that are sensitive to water temperature. If infused for too long or with water that is too hot, they will yield a bitter flavor. Pour freshly boiled water into a cooling pitcher so the water can cool to the temperature listed in the instructions. We recommend using a teapot with fine mesh screen or a strainer for filtering Japanese green teas.

How organic hair care products are different

If you are into organic food, then you should seriously consider using organic hair care products, organic clothes and organic cosmetics. Why wear harmful things and surround yourself with them? These are extremely harmful to us and also the planet. Organic hair products are safe and wholesome; they will keep your hair clean and healthy while being completely safe for the planet.

That being said, one needs to be careful. It has become increasingly common among product manufacturers to use the terms organic, chemical free, natural and environment friendly on the product packing without it meaning anything. This enables them to charge heavy prices without giving the consumer the true organic product.

You should exercise care. Your completely organic hair care products are different. For one, they will have botanical and natural ingredients. Read the product packing carefully. The label should list extracts that come from flowers, and this includes the essences too. Some of the hair care products have ingredients that are harsh and dangerous, and can cause cancer. Organic hair care products are different; they do not have such dangerous ingredients.

Avoid buying any hair care product that has Proplylene Glycol and Sodium laureth sulphate. Propylene glycol is used to keep hair soft and retain moisture. It is a strong irritant and can harm the skin. Repeated and prolonged use can cause kidney and liver damage. Sodium laureth sulfate is carcinogenic. Not only can it cause hair loss, it can also travel in your blood stream and give rise to health issues. There are some parabens that are also commonly used in hair care products that are irritants and cause allergic reactions.

As a general practice do not buy anything that lists an ingredient on the label that you cannot understand. If something contains flowers, essences, fruits and oils that you can recognize you can use them. If anything other is listed, avoid the product. It may not be organic to begin with, and it just may be very harmful to you.

One major deterrent to buying and using organic products has always been the cost factor. Always remember that it is not expensive to buy and use organic products. It works out cheaper in the long run, because you are only paying for the product, and not for any health issues that may arise from using dangerous chemicals. So be safe and buy organic. It is healthy and beneficial for you and the planet.

Who certifies your coffee as organically grown

Organic coffee’s popularity has grown thanks to the many changes that have occurred in International Trade of Coffee. The prices thankfully have not risen mainly because demand is lower than the supply. Actually coffee is no longer perceived as a luxury, it is a product for mass consumption. Farming of coffee has seen a lot of revamping of methods. Smaller farmers have either sold out or increased their yield with more beans so as to make good the drop in prices. The Free Trade Coffee, the organization that certifies that our coffee is organically grown is closely associated with the organic coffee movement and also looks after issues of profitability and free trade of coffee.

When you are growing any kind of crop, the environment plays a major role, and this is particularly true of coffee. It requires to be aligned very closely to the soil and the climate in which it is grown. In order to get the best beans, the crop would have to come from fields at high altitudes in the tropics. That is why coffee from equatorial regions is the most delicious. It is a small wonder that Kona Coffee from Hawaii enjoys world wide popularity. The nutrient rich soil from the Mauna Loa volcano coupled with the climate gives the coffee plants the much needed heat, moisture and nutrients. The coffee is handpicked, and processed with care.

The soil plays an important role in the aroma and taste of the beverage. Coffee grows best in the soil that is nutrient rich. This cannot happen if farmers use fertilizers, and spray pesticides. Moreover coffee grows best on mountain slopes, and pesticides would be washed down during the rains polluting ground water. Another ecological point is that coffee plants require shade so farmers have to plant shady trees along with the coffee plants to give them cover. Though this is not a common practice and farmers greedy for profits have cleared large tracts of land for cultivation of coffee, leading to deforestation especially in South America and Africa. But coffee from these fields do not taste as rich as organic coffee like Yemini Mocha Coffee that is grown under cover of shady trees. The aroma is far more superior.

Since organic coffee is grown under cover of shady trees, it provides a home for migratory birds and also helps lower the use of pesticides. The forest habitat conditions are present in such fields. Kona Mocha and Java are gourmet coffees and fetch a handsome price in the market. These coffees are grown in organic coffee fields. Free Trade Coffee with the help of coffee bodies all over the world like USDA, Export Certificates for Japan (JAS Equivalent), European Organic Regulations (EU 2092/91) , Quebec Organic Reference Standard (CAAQ) and Indian National Program for Organic Production (NPOP) are involved in the certification process.

How much are you willing to spend for green baby clothes?

There actually was a study that found that many Americans are ready to spend up to 25% more for green baby clothes. This is a very encouraging trend since organic and green baby clothes are more expensive than conventionally grown and made fibers. Often young parents simply cannot afford the expense as it is the beginning of their lives as adults and they have many other expenses to take care of.

If you have more money to spend, you can actually find very stylish and smart green baby clothes. But if you are not able to splurge, you can find more reasonably priced items. Like other things in the market, green baby clothes come in a wide price range. If you search in the market or even online you can find designer clothes that can be quite expensive, some middle range priced green baby clothes and fairly reasonably priced ones at sales. You could find something that suits your budget. Given below is a small sample of the price range for green baby clothes made of organic cotton, hemp, soy, bamboo and blends of the organic fibers. There are popular organic clothing brands like Hanna Andersson, Baby Bambu and the likes that can give you green baby clothes.

Green baby T-shirt: $10 to $35: Actually conventional cotton T-shirts for babies can even be sold at less than $5

Green Baby pajamas: $15 to $35, conventional cotton pyjamas could cost about $10 or go lower

Green Baby cardigan: $20 to $35, though conventional ones can be cheaper again at $15
Baby Blanket: $25 to $50, a regular one could be cheaper again at $15

Most parents realize that green baby clothing is much more healthy and beneficial for their children and the planet. However a lot of them cannot afford it. There are other ways of getting your baby to wear green baby clothes. Often second hand shops have green baby clothing or you could start accepting hand me downs from your friends and relatives. Holistic Mom’s Network is an excellent effort to collect and distribute green baby clothes. Once your children outgrow their green baby clothes, you could distribute them through such an effort. It is a commendable effort to recycle green and eco-friendly clothing and save the planet too.