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How to Go Green: Spring Cleaning

At the end of winter and the start of spring, most of us open up our windows to start the spring cleaning. Although not all of us try to clean the house to welcome the spring, many are there who do the cleaning when the spring starts. While cleaning your house you must avoid all those methods which are anti-green.

The most important aspect to keep your cleaning green is the avoidance of the use of all those supplies which are supported by antibacterial chemicals. You can use the natural ingredients like baking powder and vinegar to clean your shelves and cabinets. So you can start your spring cleaning of the home by starting your work from the trouble places. You can reuse and recycle many of the ingredients which are mostly thrown off while cleaning the house. This article is about all those tips which can help you to recycle and reuse the items which you are otherwise going to waste.

Great Tips for Spring Cleaning:

1. The first step towards your thorough cleaning is to get rid of all un-necessary and unused items available in your drawers and shelves. Clean each and every closet and cabinet to get rid of all extra and unwanted stuff to avoid your home getting messy. This will help you to keep your house clean in less time during future days.

2. Once you have short listed the whole stuff, avoid throwing it immediately; have a look at the stuff and sort out the items which can be reused. This will surely help you avoid the wastage of money on the purchase of items in replacement of the short listed stuff.

3. If you find that the stuff you have got rid of cannot be used any more, you can donate the stuff to show good will and it can be recycled by donation. You can also sell the items and make some money.

4. The last thing which you can do with the exhausted stuff is to give it for recycling as it is environment friendly and will help you support the clean environment around you.

5. The next step in cleaning is to have a look at the items you are left with and see if you need to buy something and avoid buying too much to create the mess again. Keep your shelves clean, spacious and environment friendly.

6. You can buy the supplies used for organic cleaning which are eco friendly but you can also make your own cleaning supplies which will surely keep things green. You can use a combination of vinegar or washing soda and hot water to clean the house with an environment friendly cleaner.

7. While cleaning your home, you must avoid the wastage of items while cleaning as it will be an eco-friendly cleaning.

Try to be eco-friendly and use the green supplies and home made cleaning supplies to keep the environment clean and avoid using the toxic materials for cleaning.
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