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5 Ways to Waste Less and Go Green this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is almost here. Though the holidays are typically a time of excess, they can be just as much fun while using less and Going Green this holiday season. I hope you enjoy 5 easy ways you can waste less natural resources and still enjoy your holidays.

5 Ways to Waste Less

No flying: planes take a tremendous amount of energy and create plenty of green house gases. Save a little energy by sharing this Thanksgiving with local friends and family.

Farmer markets: start a new family tradition and get your Thanksgiving Day meal at a farmer's market or local grocery store. Most food at grocery store chains has traveled thousands of miles by the time you get it home. Plus, shopping at farmer's markets supports your local economy.

No more flowers: I know you would think flowers are all about nature, though dead ones are not. This year give a gift a flowering plant that can grow and continue to live. Plus, flowering plants produce oxygen.

Recycle: the reality is there will be plenty of waste products used during the holidays. Support your family in knowing where your recycling bin is so everyone can do their part.

China: no I am not talking about the country. You know those dishes you have in that piece of cabinet in your dining room you never use. Use your good China for dinner and not just Thanksgiving dinner. You do a few extra dishes though you don't have to use tons of plastic or paper plates.
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