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South Atlantic Fishery limits and accountability measures

Hi Natures Organic Market,

You were one of more than 30,000 Care2 members who signed the petition to end overfishing and protect ocean ecosystems in the southeastern U.S. -- and today, we have great news to report! The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council listened to your voice and approved annual catch limits and accountability measures for 9 of the 10 species undergoing overfishing in the region.

This measure includes new protections for the critically endangered Warsaw grouper and speckled hind and for snowy grouper, which is vulnerable to extinction according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The amendment is now on its way to the Secretary of Commerce for final approval.

The Council also moved forward on details of an amendment to end overfishing and rebuild the red snapper population, which includes a closure to all red snapper fishing and of selected ocean areas to bottom fishing for snapper and grouper species. The Council's preferred alternative closes bottom fishing from just north of Charleston, South Carolina, to Cape Canaveral, Florida, from 98 feet to 300 feet in depth to protect red snapper that are often caught accidentally when fishermen target other snapper and grouper species. The Council is expected to take a final vote on the long-term red snapper plan sometime next year.

Care2 and our friends at the Pew Environment Group's Campaign to End Overfishing in the Southeast sincerely appreciate your support. We are optimistic that the broad and diverse input the Council received from you and thousands of others in the region will help restore healthy, productive fish populations for the benefit of our communities and future generations.

From Care2 Thank you,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

P.S. Successes like this remind us all that signatures on Care2 petitions really do matter!

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