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How much are you willing to spend for green baby clothes?

There actually was a study that found that many Americans are ready to spend up to 25% more for green baby clothes. This is a very encouraging trend since organic and green baby clothes are more expensive than conventionally grown and made fibers. Often young parents simply cannot afford the expense as it is the beginning of their lives as adults and they have many other expenses to take care of.

If you have more money to spend, you can actually find very stylish and smart green baby clothes. But if you are not able to splurge, you can find more reasonably priced items. Like other things in the market, green baby clothes come in a wide price range. If you search in the market or even online you can find designer clothes that can be quite expensive, some middle range priced green baby clothes and fairly reasonably priced ones at sales. You could find something that suits your budget. Given below is a small sample of the price range for green baby clothes made of organic cotton, hemp, soy, bamboo and blends of the organic fibers. There are popular organic clothing brands like Hanna Andersson, Baby Bambu and the likes that can give you green baby clothes.

Green baby T-shirt: $10 to $35: Actually conventional cotton T-shirts for babies can even be sold at less than $5

Green Baby pajamas: $15 to $35, conventional cotton pyjamas could cost about $10 or go lower

Green Baby cardigan: $20 to $35, though conventional ones can be cheaper again at $15
Baby Blanket: $25 to $50, a regular one could be cheaper again at $15

Most parents realize that green baby clothing is much more healthy and beneficial for their children and the planet. However a lot of them cannot afford it. There are other ways of getting your baby to wear green baby clothes. Often second hand shops have green baby clothing or you could start accepting hand me downs from your friends and relatives. Holistic Mom’s Network is an excellent effort to collect and distribute green baby clothes. Once your children outgrow their green baby clothes, you could distribute them through such an effort. It is a commendable effort to recycle green and eco-friendly clothing and save the planet too.
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