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Everyone is going green! Join the latest trend and save our planet.

We are living in a society that sees a lot of media hype. It seems to be daily that we are confronted with advertisements about how to help the planet and go green. When people start throwing around terms like "save the planet" or "help save the economy", it's easy to become a little skeptical. How can you possibly help the environment and help the state of the economy by simply changing the products you buy? It's fairly simple once to learn what it's all about. There are a wide range of products out there that are superior. They're safer for your household and children. They are made using an eco-friendly approach. This helps pass extra savings onto you. Learn why going green is the only way.

If you aren't quite sure about all this green hype, it's time to learn more about it. You're smart to be cautious. It's easy to be misled with all the hype and different trends out there. Going green isn't simply a trend; it's the way things should be. If you are running your own business, you should learn how to go green with your own company. Take a look at some of the wonderful power saving, cost efficient devices out there.

You can install light switches with motion sensors - designed to automatically turn off when there's nobody in the room. No more reaching for the light switch every time you come into a new area of your work place. Don't worry about the lights in your workplace being left off. These items can be fixed to many other electrical devices, not just lights. How can you justify wasting so much power and money? Green means that it's friendly to the environment and also to your budget. Green is better.

You should consider using recycled materials in your work place. It's been a popular myth for a while that recycled products are inferior. Perhaps a long time ago, it was harder to get the share of the market. Green companies simply couldn't afford to sell their products at a good price. Most of the hype about recycled products being inferior was created by rival companies. They don't want to share the market with new, greener companies - because they know that green is easier to make and cheaper to the consumer. Don't let them trick you into buying inefficient and wasteful products. Green is better - green is good!

Green products - why should you use them?

There are many reasons to choose green products. What exactly is a green product? If you want a great example, think about the common plastic shopping bag. This is not a green product - it's the opposite of green, in fact. While the stores are no longer allowed to sell them, there are many that still litter our planet. These plastic bags are cheaply made. They do not last. In fact, they often break before you even get your groceries home! How can a society that claims to be modern thinking allow this kind of illogical waste? Luckily, things are starting to change. Everyone is going green. Even the big supermarkets have eco-friendly, reusable bags that you can be purchased for a small price.

Going green means saving lives. Think about all of the products that use ingredients made from animal. Do you life fur? Many people are disgusted by the sight of leather and fur these days. It's no wonder. Think about the way that these animals are killed - just so that you can have a new fashion item. If you really want to go green, you should only buy products that do not harm animals in the manufacturing process. Are you aware that some cosmetic companies still use animal testing? How can we claim to live in a civilized society if this goes on?

Unnatural products and chemicals are slowly poisoning us all! Don't think that this is just hype. Do you use cleaning products? If you're like most people, you probably just buy whatever brand works best and sells for the best price. Where does this stuff go after you're done cleaning? Down the drain or into the garden? No matter where you put it - those chemicals are going to end up in our water ways. That means they will eventually find their ways into your drinking water, into the food we grow and into your body. This will eventually cause more sickness. We are basically killing our own species with chemicals. Don't do it!

In order to be classified as green - a product must be made in an eco-friendly way, out of natural, sustainable materials. Green products are products that don't destroy nature and wildlife. They don't spread toxic chemicals around the water system or through our soil. Don't help pollute the earth. Don't help to poison the planet and your children. Think green, be smart - keep the earth safe for future generations.

All natural organic toys - what's best for your child?

Do you have children? Your son or daughter, like all children, will likely have a collection of toys. They love to collect all kinds of play things. Dolls for the girls, toy soldiers for the boys. There are so many different kinds being produced. You might start to wonder - just what are these toys all made out of? They are often made using toxic ingredients. If you want to ensure a safe world for your children, you should consider buying green. Learn how to make the right choices when buying organic toys for your child.

Kid love toys. If there's one thing that an average child likes more than a toy - it's a new toy! You will no doubt have bought a few toys for your child. You have probably purchased many new toys for them over the years. These come in all shapes and sizes. They're made in many different countries around the world. Some are very nice and some are very cheaply made using questionable materials. Often the cheaper toys are made using unsafe chemicals.

If you have a son or daughter, you know that kids sometimes put toys in their mouths. They like to chew on stuff! If you are giving a toy to a young child, they are most likely going to see what it tastes like. Do you really want to give your child a toy made of toxic plastic, know that they will try to chew it? It's not good for you to ingest these types of chemicals, even a little. They should not use them to make toys for kids. If you want an alternative, there are many out there.

There are so many fun, exciting and eco-friendly organic products - you will have a hard time choosing which one is your favorite! If you're looking for a toy that's safe for your child and also the planet - wood is good! That's right, you should try to buy wood products that are made using FSC certified wood. If you're thinking about buying natural products, consider going for one that doesn't use electricity. This is good for the environment.

All natural, organic toys are much better for your child, your wallet and also the planet. How can you possibly justify spending your hard earned money on cheap, easily broken plastic toys that might be harmful to your child?

How to Brew Organic Iced Tea

#1 Add 1 tea pouch to a ice tea pitcher

#2 Pour 16 oz boiling water over pouch. Steep 5 min

#3 Add 160z cold water and remove pouch.

#4 Pour over ice. Enjoy

Organic Japanese Sencha Brewing Instructions

#1 Cool freshly boiled water to 180 degrees F in a water cooling pitcher.

#2 Add 1 tablespoon of tea to an 8oz teapot

#3 Pour 7 oz of water over the tea. Infusion time: 3-4 minutes

#4 Decant the entire teapot into a cup and enjoy

Sencha Organic Tea Brewing Tips: Japanese green teas have small, tender leaves that are sensitive to water temperature. If infused for too long or with water that is too hot, they will yield a bitter flavor. Pour freshly boiled water into a cooling pitcher so the water can cool to the temperature listed in the instructions. We recommend using a teapot with fine mesh screen or a strainer for filtering Japanese green teas.

How organic hair care products are different

If you are into organic food, then you should seriously consider using organic hair care products, organic clothes and organic cosmetics. Why wear harmful things and surround yourself with them? These are extremely harmful to us and also the planet. Organic hair products are safe and wholesome; they will keep your hair clean and healthy while being completely safe for the planet.

That being said, one needs to be careful. It has become increasingly common among product manufacturers to use the terms organic, chemical free, natural and environment friendly on the product packing without it meaning anything. This enables them to charge heavy prices without giving the consumer the true organic product.

You should exercise care. Your completely organic hair care products are different. For one, they will have botanical and natural ingredients. Read the product packing carefully. The label should list extracts that come from flowers, and this includes the essences too. Some of the hair care products have ingredients that are harsh and dangerous, and can cause cancer. Organic hair care products are different; they do not have such dangerous ingredients.

Avoid buying any hair care product that has Proplylene Glycol and Sodium laureth sulphate. Propylene glycol is used to keep hair soft and retain moisture. It is a strong irritant and can harm the skin. Repeated and prolonged use can cause kidney and liver damage. Sodium laureth sulfate is carcinogenic. Not only can it cause hair loss, it can also travel in your blood stream and give rise to health issues. There are some parabens that are also commonly used in hair care products that are irritants and cause allergic reactions.

As a general practice do not buy anything that lists an ingredient on the label that you cannot understand. If something contains flowers, essences, fruits and oils that you can recognize you can use them. If anything other is listed, avoid the product. It may not be organic to begin with, and it just may be very harmful to you.

One major deterrent to buying and using organic products has always been the cost factor. Always remember that it is not expensive to buy and use organic products. It works out cheaper in the long run, because you are only paying for the product, and not for any health issues that may arise from using dangerous chemicals. So be safe and buy organic. It is healthy and beneficial for you and the planet.

Who certifies your coffee as organically grown

Organic coffee’s popularity has grown thanks to the many changes that have occurred in International Trade of Coffee. The prices thankfully have not risen mainly because demand is lower than the supply. Actually coffee is no longer perceived as a luxury, it is a product for mass consumption. Farming of coffee has seen a lot of revamping of methods. Smaller farmers have either sold out or increased their yield with more beans so as to make good the drop in prices. The Free Trade Coffee, the organization that certifies that our coffee is organically grown is closely associated with the organic coffee movement and also looks after issues of profitability and free trade of coffee.

When you are growing any kind of crop, the environment plays a major role, and this is particularly true of coffee. It requires to be aligned very closely to the soil and the climate in which it is grown. In order to get the best beans, the crop would have to come from fields at high altitudes in the tropics. That is why coffee from equatorial regions is the most delicious. It is a small wonder that Kona Coffee from Hawaii enjoys world wide popularity. The nutrient rich soil from the Mauna Loa volcano coupled with the climate gives the coffee plants the much needed heat, moisture and nutrients. The coffee is handpicked, and processed with care.

The soil plays an important role in the aroma and taste of the beverage. Coffee grows best in the soil that is nutrient rich. This cannot happen if farmers use fertilizers, and spray pesticides. Moreover coffee grows best on mountain slopes, and pesticides would be washed down during the rains polluting ground water. Another ecological point is that coffee plants require shade so farmers have to plant shady trees along with the coffee plants to give them cover. Though this is not a common practice and farmers greedy for profits have cleared large tracts of land for cultivation of coffee, leading to deforestation especially in South America and Africa. But coffee from these fields do not taste as rich as organic coffee like Yemini Mocha Coffee that is grown under cover of shady trees. The aroma is far more superior.

Since organic coffee is grown under cover of shady trees, it provides a home for migratory birds and also helps lower the use of pesticides. The forest habitat conditions are present in such fields. Kona Mocha and Java are gourmet coffees and fetch a handsome price in the market. These coffees are grown in organic coffee fields. Free Trade Coffee with the help of coffee bodies all over the world like USDA, Export Certificates for Japan (JAS Equivalent), European Organic Regulations (EU 2092/91) , Quebec Organic Reference Standard (CAAQ) and Indian National Program for Organic Production (NPOP) are involved in the certification process.

How much are you willing to spend for green baby clothes?

There actually was a study that found that many Americans are ready to spend up to 25% more for green baby clothes. This is a very encouraging trend since organic and green baby clothes are more expensive than conventionally grown and made fibers. Often young parents simply cannot afford the expense as it is the beginning of their lives as adults and they have many other expenses to take care of.

If you have more money to spend, you can actually find very stylish and smart green baby clothes. But if you are not able to splurge, you can find more reasonably priced items. Like other things in the market, green baby clothes come in a wide price range. If you search in the market or even online you can find designer clothes that can be quite expensive, some middle range priced green baby clothes and fairly reasonably priced ones at sales. You could find something that suits your budget. Given below is a small sample of the price range for green baby clothes made of organic cotton, hemp, soy, bamboo and blends of the organic fibers. There are popular organic clothing brands like Hanna Andersson, Baby Bambu and the likes that can give you green baby clothes.

Green baby T-shirt: $10 to $35: Actually conventional cotton T-shirts for babies can even be sold at less than $5

Green Baby pajamas: $15 to $35, conventional cotton pyjamas could cost about $10 or go lower

Green Baby cardigan: $20 to $35, though conventional ones can be cheaper again at $15
Baby Blanket: $25 to $50, a regular one could be cheaper again at $15

Most parents realize that green baby clothing is much more healthy and beneficial for their children and the planet. However a lot of them cannot afford it. There are other ways of getting your baby to wear green baby clothes. Often second hand shops have green baby clothing or you could start accepting hand me downs from your friends and relatives. Holistic Mom’s Network is an excellent effort to collect and distribute green baby clothes. Once your children outgrow their green baby clothes, you could distribute them through such an effort. It is a commendable effort to recycle green and eco-friendly clothing and save the planet too.

Does Organic Skin Care Work?

Well, compared to the scientific and advanced formula being touted by most cosmetic companies for their increasingly complex formulations, organic skin care may seem to be a simplistic, even boring way to look after the skin.

The truth is that if the most expensive and complex formula worked like they are meant to, we would not be asking this question. These artificial products that pretend to mimic natural skin care have caused rashes, blemishes and irritation. Some of them have been absorbed by the body and left dangerous residues and toxins.

The best skin care products are simple ones, using simple ingredients that one can understand, avocado oil, shea butter, almond oil, lemon oil, olive oil. These ingredients are excellent for the skin because they are purely essential oils or extracts that can either enrich and soften the skin or cure it from within. For instance eucalyptus oil is a natural astringent and has bacteria killing properties, and hence it is beneficial for acne. Shea butter is great for dry skin. Essential oils that are rich in fatty acid can help with anti aging properties.

Organic skin care products are completely free of chemicals. These products contain natural substances that deliver to the phytonutrients which nurture it, and also enable deeper absorption so that the skin is nourished from within. The skin looks and feels firmer and smoother, and is completely safe since it has no harmful ingredients.

We all desire to look the best we can, fresh and young with a healthy skin. This is why we need to have a good skin care routine and effective skin care products to help us with our appearance. Make up even expertly applied cannot hide unhealthy and blemished skin. Organic skin care is the most effective way to care for our facial appearance.

The best way to have effective skin care is to make the skin care products at home, but there are quality skin care products that can be really beneficial for our skin. All we need to do is analyse the product, check the ingredients and then use them.

Of course the best skin care is to have a regular routine. One should have a healthy diet, exercise regularly so that the skin is healthy. One should exfoliate the skin, cleanse it daily and then apply the best and safest organic skin care product so that it is absorbed well and the skin has a youthful glowing appearance.

Why use organic cleaning products

First let us understand how cleaning products behave in the atmosphere. Once they are used, they are released into the environment either due to evaporation of volatile components or due to rinsing down the drain. It is pertinent to note here that Janitorial staff which is exposed for the maximum amount of time to cleaning products show the effects of the hazardous chemicals used, like skin problems, irritation of the eyes, and even allergies and cancers.

Once these cleaning products reach our waters, marine life is exposed to them. This is particularly dangerous in cases of imperfectly treated or untreated wastes. This causes dangerous mutations and health problems in the marine life, which, when eaten by humans compromises their health too.

Some cleaning substances contain volatile organic compounds which affect the offices and other spaces in which they are used. When released outdoors, they contribute to smog formation.

Since using chemical cleaners creates such a dangerous impact on the environment, it is definitely desirable to use organic cleaning products. Organic cleaning products are healthy for the environment. They are biodegradable and do not leave toxic waste residues which means they are definitely good for the planet and also living creatures. Continuous use of such products improves the quality of air indoors, and also reduces the harmful effects on water and air. Moreover they can effectively remove contaminants from the building, and organic wastes in any case are less hazardous.

So how does one choose one’s cleaning products? Of course we need cleaning products that work, and do not impact our budget needlessly. So while purchasing a cleaning product one should take the price and the performance of the product into account. One should also check if the product has lower VOC or volatile organic compounds and other factors that can have environmental impact. If the product is made with resources that are renewable, it is desirous. Be careful about vague marketing terms like “environmentally safe” or “eco friendly” etc. Always inquire about these terms since they may mean nothing at all.

Your product should have the least amount of chemical substances that are corrosive and cause harm or irritating to the skin, eyes etc. Check if any content is a known human carcinogen or harmful to the reproductive system. Also check if any compound present is ozone depleting. Purchase products made from bio based solvents like pine oil, citrus, vegetable oil, has low VOC content. These are safe and organic.

Should a guy use body cream with collagen and elastin

Well, the answer is yes. Consider this, you will be spending time and money to by creams to put on your body, so why not buy something that helps you firm your skin and get rid of wrinkles. That being said, you need to be aware of the products available in the market since many products that supposedly are anti wrinkle creams do nothing but moisturize the skin. Check the product label for the magic words collagen and elastin, and then check if it does anything to help your body produce these proteins naturally.

Moreover, to be entirely effective the cream must also have the following:

1) Your body cream should nourish the skin. For this it should give your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients. A quality anti wrinkle cream for men must nourish the body with essential vitamins and nutrients. As one grows older the body’s natural reserves get depleted and the body cream should contain natural things that make the skin look healthy. The product should contain vitamins and essential nutrients in a form that gets absorbed by the body.

2) An effective men's body cream must protect the body surface. There is a very thin film of oil on the skin surface, it is acidic and has a pH of about 5.5 which wards off bacteria and toxins. The body cream must form a defense against the environment to help the natural oils.

3) It must be antioxidant. Any body cream worth buying should protect against free radicals. This is especially true for men since they are more vulnerable to aging because of free radicals. These free radicals attack collagen and start the wrinkling process.

4) The best men's body cream should offer UV protection. The sun rays cause harm to the body and this dries up the skin. Many skin care products contain UV protection so do check up and buy one that offers adequate protection.

5) The highest quality body cream for men will help replenish collagen and elastin. As mentioned above Collagen and elastin are absolutely vital for any body cream to be effective. They reverse the signs of aging. Aging causes loss of these two proteins in the body. Be aware of the fact that many creams have these proteins but in forms where they can not be absorbed. You need a cream that stimulates the body into increasing production of collagen and elastin.

Is it time for organic skin care

Yes it is time for organic skin care. There is no better time to take corrective action and arrest the process of aging but now. However, it should be done naturally. Aging is a natural process, and no one can escape it. However, we can definitely do something about how gracefully we age and how little of the effects of aging show on our bodies and faces.

No two people age at the same rate or in the same way. Moreover, some of us escape most of the bad effects of aging and others are not so lucky. There is a lot that one can do to conceal the superficial signs of aging and also control how it makes our bodies degenerate.

The very best organic skin care is to control and take corrective action on our lifestyle. Lifestyle factors can be changed and that too in a completely natural way. We can stop smoking, and we can change our diet. These are two things that reflect on our skin, and if we stop smoking and start eating natural food, the effects will show on our skin in a very short time.

A balanced all natural diet will ensure that we consume all the essential nutrients and this will improve our health and our skin. This does not require supplements and any chemicals. Exercise along with the balanced all natural diet will also take care of our skin not superficially but will positively impact it from inside.

After this, we need to aid the healing process and maintain the skin tone by using skin care products. This is an increasingly confusing area since there are so many products that are touted to be organic but are not effective and good. We need to choose our skin care products carefully. Here are some tips:

Contents to avoid

Mineral oil: Also called liquid paraffin, paraffin wax. Mineral oil is cheap and so is commonly used. It clogs the pores causing acne

Dioxane: It is a chemically formulated coconut derivative. There is nothing organic about it. This is suspected of causing cancer. So avoid it.

Perfumes: These are downright dangerous as they contain known carcinogens. Avoid them at all costs.

Parabens: Often listed as methyl or ethyl paraben, improves the shelf life of the product, but can cause allergies and rashes, prolonged use can cause cancer and affect the endocrine system

Alcohol: Can strip the skin of essential oils

Contents to look for are natural organic products that you can understand. Do not get confused. We know most of the organic products that go into skin care. Some that you do not know are CoQ10, a natural antioxidant, Cynergy TK which stimulates collagen production of the body.

Why is Organic Food Better

The virtues of organic food are many, and even though there are very irresponsible people who stridently go on trying to argue that there are no known benefits of organic food, consider these reasons given in this article on why organic food is better.

Health experts agree that organic food is natural, pure and highly nutritious. Moreover it is tastier and completely safe. Organic food is grown without any chemical pesticides, artificial fertilizers and growth hormones. This means that it is pure. Raw organic food cleanses the body, eliminates toxic waste. It is rich in nutrients, trace minerals and vitamins, therefore very nutritious.

A. Organic food is good for the planet

Organic food farming does not harm the planet. Large scale use of fertilizers and pesticides has harmed our soil. If we start production and usage of organic food, it will help balancing the bio system and also be beneficial for our earth.

Consider why organic food is better even in the short term:

The local fauna will not be harmed since groundwater and topsoil will not be contaminated by chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Our water bodies will be safer for the same reason.

Balance of nature will be maintained.

Artificial aids to farming consume a lot of energy. Organic food relies on natural sources so less energy will be consumed

Wasteful agriculture will not be done, so it will prove more economical in the long run.

Since we will not be polluting the environment, we will be helping to save our planet.

B. Organic food is good for the farmers’ health:

Farmers today are constantly exposed to extremely dangerous chemicals that are present in pesticides and fertilizers. They have led to serious health problems in the farmers and farm hands since they are constantly exposed to them. The digestive system, respiratory organs, nervous system, skin, eyes suffer due to constant exposure. This can be the cause of birth defects, cancer etc.

C. Organic food is good for health:

Pesticides act at the cellular level, leading to mutation of the cells. This can cause a rise in dangers such as cancer and other health problems. If children and infants are given non-organic diet, they are exposed to these health risks since they are susceptible to health problems. Everyone should opt for an organic diet, and this should particularly include children and infants as their health is our responsibility.

Should you go Organic?

All farming originally was organic farming. Farmers used natural pesticides and even the fertilizer was manure and compost. However after World War II and the advance of science, farmers started using a lot of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. With the advent of the twentieth century, genetically modified (GM) foods and growth hormones added more artificial things into our food. This is actually done to cut labor costs and increase the crop yield, but these chemicals are extremely harmful, they poison our bodies and the planet and wear out the topsoil in the fields.

Some farmers have opted out of the modern methods of farming; some never joined this chemical revolution. They use traditional methods like crop rotation to keep the soil fertile, use manure and natural pest control methods. The crop they obtain by these safer methods is called organic food. This is safer and more nutritious.

Food is considered organic if it is certified by U.S. Department of Agriculture. This is a major benefit of going organic. Such food is grown under strict control and monitored at every stage of farming by a responsible authority. Farmers have to meet federal regulations which state that farmers must avoid the usage of any kind of toxic pesticides and fertilizers for three whole years before the harvest. Only then will the product be classified as organic and sold as such. Organic farmers are required to have a plan that they submit to the authorities which states the procedures of farming used and the material. Crops are inspected each year to ensure that regulations are met with. Even processed food that are canned can be certified as organic if they do not use harmful additives like sulfites, nitrites and nitrates. They also have to comply with approved procedures.

Consider this, farmers are required to be vigilant and take all necessary steps to prevent seepage of fertilizers and pesticides from the adjoining farms into their soil so that their crop has no residue of chemicals. If they fail to do so, their crop may show such residue when it is tested and they are not given the “organic” certification.

We live in a polluted planet and our soil has a lot of chemical residue. Conventionally grown crops are not subjected to such vigilance. We owe it to our own health to adopt a diet which is pure and healthy. Moreover, growing organic food is much healthier for the planet. So do not ask if you should go organic. Do yourself a favor, eat organic food.

Where does organic food come from?

Organic foods comprises of the following : all grains, vegetables and fruit that are grown by the age old traditional method using natural fertilizers like manure, compost etc and without the use of chemical based fertilizers. Organic foods also mean meat, poultry and dairy products that are grown without the aid of antibiotics, genetic engineering and artificial growth hormones. These are the best choice to make for health as they are closely monitored and ensured to be free of any contaminants. If you have made a commitment to eat healthy and go green this is one of the most important questions that you need to ask yourself and also the grocery store that you buy your food from. The reason is that the food you consume has a great impact on your health and that of the planet.

Always ensure that you buy local organic food. It burns less carbon since there is very little transportation involved. Our daily lives i.e. eating, living, transportation in any case contributes to the greenhouse effect. If we buy from the local farm or market, instead of buying exotic food transported from some overseas country we shall reduce our carbon footprint thereby contributing to saving the planet for future generations.

Organic food also helps the ecosystem by being cleaner to produce since it involves the usage of no chemicals. Therefore, if you are purchasing your food at the grocery store or if you are sitting down for a meal in a restaurant, ask this question “Where does this organic food come from?”

You need to ensure that your food choices are local. For instance, if you live on the seaside, choose local fish. In case you live in a landlocked area, buy local vegetables, and always chose hormone free organic meats and poultry. Your dairy products should also come from such sources.

The best organic food can be sourced from farmers markets, local farms and family farms. These days since organic food is growing more and more popular, you can find them in supermarkets, health food stores, specialty stores, gourmet delis and co-ops. Organic food is too expensive. If you only purchase these from the organic section or natural foods section of your local grocer, you will pay too much for them. So reduce your dependency on the supermarkets and shop around. You can research the prices on the internet.

Since the food is wholesome, healthy and tasty, most people do not mind paying a bit more for organic food. However, if you want to continue to buy organic, it is easier to do so if you can find more economical sources than the local supermarket.