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Natures Organic Market Newsletter
January 5th, 2010
Dear Rod,

$50 Giveaway for writing a review of an organic product on Natures Organic Market. All you have to do is write a quality product review and once we approve the review you will be automatically entered into a drawing for a $50 gift certificate. Winner will be announced at the end of February.

The reviews do not have to be 5 stars to qualify. We are looking for real reviews of eco friendly products that you have used to support customers in finding the right products for them.
New Years Eve Sale
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Toy Cleaner Wipes - 31% Off

Rainforest Facial Cream - 28% Off
daily specialNatures Organic Market is now offering Daily Special Offers. Everyday one product is reduced even more to support organic shopping. Visit Natures Organic Market and click the Daily Special Offer banner to see today's special offer.

Rod Hoss
Natures Organic Market
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Sustainable Coffe Set to Surge in Brazil

Thanks to the combined efforts of the Rainforest Alliance, IMAFLORA and the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association (ABIC, for its name in Portuguese), sustainable coffee is set to surge in Brazil, the world's largest coffee-producing nation. By combining the ABIC's industry connections and IMAFLORA and the Rainforest Alliance's on-the-ground knowledge of responsible coffee production, the organizations hope to increase awareness of the Rainforest Alliance within the Brazilian coffee industry in order to increase domestic demand as well as the total supply of certified coffee. The collaboration will also help to educate the national coffee industry about environmental stewardship, biodiversity conservation and the enhancement of rural livelihoods.

Importance of Renewable energy to fight global warming

The world is totally dependent on electricity as a source of power. Electricity is being produced using all possible technologies; hydroelectric, fossil technology like coal, uranium, solar technology, wind technology, etc. Of all these methods, hydroelectricity, solar technology and wind technology are considered to be the safest procedures to produce electricity. Ecologists fear that all other methods like fossil technology and using uranium for producing electricity will cause imbalance of the ecology sooner or later.

Solar energy:

In fact, this was one of the main issues discussed at the UN climate conference held recently in Copenhagen. One of the most favored views was to shift to solar energy as an alternative energy or renewable source of energy. Scientists estimate that to meet the present energy requirement of about 15 terra watts, about 340 square miles of land will be required; which is almost equal to 3% of the surface of America.

Can we produce so much energy?

Scientists say it is certainly possible. However, there are some skeptics who say that solar energy is not available throughout the year and in every place across the globe and so it cannot be depended on as a source of energy. But the scientists rule out this theory. They say that the safe power generation technology now being used viz., hydroelectric, solar and wind technology put together can produce about 40 times more energy than the present consumption level. So they say renewable energy is certainly possible and would become a reality.

What is holding this up?

Some say that it is the energy producing companies who are holding this up because they need to invest in billions for the changeover. But the governments have to play the role of catalyst. The solar energy can be produced in small quantities to meet the needs of the local wards, etc. This is one of the ways to meet the demand for power. Further, the government should help the electricity producing companies to restructure themselves to solar technology. Then the companies will certainly take up producing electricity using solar energy. In fact, solar energy and wind energy are the two safest and cleanest forms of producing electricity.

Although this may involve huge investment; considering the benefits, it is certainly worth investing in such projects. The governments all over the world have to give serious thought to this to save this planet and to arrest the depleting natural resources. This is the best remedy to the problem of global warming.

The planet needs your support for healthier food

The food we grow should be healthy and should be free from pesticides and other artificial ingredients which are most dangerous for the living creatures in this world. It also spoils the environment and in the long run the entire atmosphere in the world gets spoiled. It would lead to a situation where the world may become unfit to live for the future generation. The remedy for this situation is to practice sustainable farming.

Sustainable farming:

The answer to such a situation is to take to sustainable farming. By practicing sustainable farming we protect the environment, protect the health of the soil, cut the cost of production and add value to the product the farmer sells. This is a three pronged attack to save the world without affecting the interests of people. This protects the nature and the ecology and therefore it is beneficial for everyone. Therefore, by this method, the need of the present is met and we do preserve what is needed for the future generations by a mechanism of balancing the natural and human resources. Considering the advantages both in the short run as well as in the long run, many countries across the globe are eagerly attempting to shift to sustainable farming as the best answer to make the world a fit place to live.

Seasonal crops:

Mother earth knows what we need. So, depending on the geographical location and the local weather condition, nature has given us fruits and vegetables which are apt for the climate where the person lives. For example, apple which is grown in one part of the globe is suitable for the particular weather condition prevailing in that region. In fact, it may not be beneficial for those living in the other part of the globe. Therefore, the ideal situation is that those living in the respective region should eat products grown there instead of taking fruits and vegetables grown in the other part of the globe. By this process, fresh fruits and vegetables can be consumed at the respective place where they are grown. But, we make an all out effort to transport the fruits and vegetables to other areas where they may not be beneficial because of weather conditions or geographical conditions of that particular region.

The information of seasonal crops and where they are available has been published. It contains a list of local markets where the seasonal crops are available. In fact, the details available are so exhaustive; they contain even the names of farmers or farms where they were grown, etc.

Off Shore Drilling: Worth the Oil or False Hope?

This fiscal year has seen many economic fluctuations on account of the consumption, production and the changes in the prices of oil. Off shore drilling of oil is now the trend as it is comparatively less expensive oil production but it has its own environmental effects. The environment faces many risks because of the off shore drilling of oil.

Off shore drilling is basically the extraction of oil beneath the floor of oil through the fields which are under the ocean. First time this part of technology was started in the year 1887. Now many countries are producing oil in the quantity of billions of gallons with this technology.

Effects of Off Shore Drilling on Environment:

There are many risks to environment which are associated with off shore drilling and these include:
• Discharge of toxins
• Danger for the marine life
• Destruction of the habitat on coasts
• Impact on the livelihood of the coastal residents, etc.

The most important thing related to off shore drilling is that the impact of transporting the oil is far more dangerous than the drilling itself. Transporting the oil through the pipelines is made through covering several hundred miles of the coastal areas and this is resulting into the erosion of coasts and is becoming a danger for the beaches.

Ban on the off shore drilling:

The US government has its right to make the legislation regarding the extraction of the mineral resources and the government had passed the law banning the offshore drilling for the time period of 1981 to the year 2008 because of the risks to the environment, but this time period has ended now. Now the states can issue the license to the oil companies for the offshore drilling and Virginia State has already started giving license.

Impact of Lifting Up the Ban on Environment:

The immediate impact of lifting up the ban from off shore drilling is still not known but there is some psychological impact for sure. This is the general thinking among the citizens that US has more oil resources which can affect negatively. This can make the citizens believe that their country has plenty of oil to become energy independent.

The fact is this that drilling the oil takes a lot of time ranging from five to ten years. So the impact of this will come in the long run.

Offshore drilling must be avoided in order to avoid the environmental risks and to make the earth green.

Recycling Waste into Stuff

Recycling of Post Consumer Products:

The products which are thrown into the waste after their use and are then picked up from the waste are called the post consumer products. These products have completed their life according to the use of consumer and after wards these post consumer products can be used for recycling. The post consumer products are different from the waste which is generated by the industries and known as the post industrial waste.

The waste from industry is normally recycled as it is easy to pick up. The consumer waste is difficult to pick up but it is important to recycle it to avoid it going to landfill.

It is a great challenge to pick up the post consumer products for recycling by the industries as the industrial waste is normally sent for recycling but the waste or disposal of the consumers is not necessarily sent for recycling. The main reason behind this is the unavailability of the market for the collected consumer wastes. This also results into the filling up of the landfills of the municipal corporations and environmental pollution. The advocates of the green environment are asking the big companies to use more of the recycled products from the post consumer products. The packaging waste can be recycled by these companies and this will help to keep the environment green by saving the trees cut for the production of same packaging material or paper bags. This will generate a good effect on the global environment as well with the survival of more and more forests and trees.

You can help to make the environment clean and green by sending your used products for recycling as this will avoid the wastage of the resources and you can make new products from the old products after recycling.

There are many manufacturers who are making a clever use of the post consumer products by making new products through recycling. What you need to do is the designing and you can give a complete new look to the old stuff.

The paper and packaging industry is making use of the post consumer products for recycling and they are effectively contributing to the go green cause. So in order to support your environment to be greener, you must send and donate the useless products and the packaging waste to the recycling companies for better utilization of the waste.

Save the Remaining Cook Inlet Beluga!

The Cook Inlet is the most heavily populated and rapidly growing watershed in Alaska. It is also the home of the Cook Inlet beluga whale, one of the most endangered marine mammals in the world.

Save the Cook Inlet beluga. »

In the 1980s, their population numbered approximately 1,300. But the beluga's habitat has been subject to dramatic increases in offshore oil and gas development, as well as increased pollution and sewage runoff.

Today, there are only 300 Cook Inlet beluga whales left. »

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service wants to save the Cook Inlet beluga. On December 1, they announced a plan to designate more than 3,000 square miles of ocean as critical habitat for this highly endangered species. The plan is open to public comment, and they need to hear your support for this proposal!

Contact NOAA and let them know that designating critical habitat would be a crucial first step in protecting the Cook Inlet beluga. »

How to Go Green- Fitness Workouts

During holidays as people have a lot more options and time for eating, they usually end up with a weight gain. Since the holiday season is followed by the wedding and party season; you get worried about your weight gain and try to work out to reduce the weight. This work out is normally either on treadmill or other electronic equipment which consumes a lot of energy and power resources. You can avoid all this wastage by following the green ways of workouts.

Tips for Green Workouts:

1. You can start your workout by staying at home. There are many exercises like yoga which only require a mat and you can start with your green workouts. So get some videos of such exercises and stay at home.

2. If you do not want to stay home, you can go outside and work out green by wearing a pair of joggers and jogging. Hiking and climbing at local hill station is also a very good and green way for workout.

3. You can also join the gym as the cost which you are going to pay for the purchase of your own equipment is much more than what you have to pay at the gym. Also you can workout for couple of months to reduce weight at the gym and then a simple daily walk and jogging will help you maintain the weight.

4. It will be very good if you join a group of people while walking or jogging outside as it will help you follow the routine. You can share the equipment with the team and this will save money at everyone’s end in the team.

5. If you want to get the best results of the workout, then avoid using food in any of the processed form and eat fresh and organic as much as you can.

6. It is difficult to get time daily for the exercise and this requires a change of routine and lifestyle at your end. You can workout by walking to the office or the postal office or to the nearby shopping mall instead of using bike or car. This will save fuel and also help you workout.

7. You can use the recycled or used equipment for the exercise by looking at internet or the local market and this will help you to stay green by avoiding the wastage of resources on the purchase of new equipment.

8. Use a dress for exercise which is made up of sustainable fabric.