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Save the Remaining Cook Inlet Beluga!

The Cook Inlet is the most heavily populated and rapidly growing watershed in Alaska. It is also the home of the Cook Inlet beluga whale, one of the most endangered marine mammals in the world.

Save the Cook Inlet beluga. »

In the 1980s, their population numbered approximately 1,300. But the beluga's habitat has been subject to dramatic increases in offshore oil and gas development, as well as increased pollution and sewage runoff.

Today, there are only 300 Cook Inlet beluga whales left. »

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service wants to save the Cook Inlet beluga. On December 1, they announced a plan to designate more than 3,000 square miles of ocean as critical habitat for this highly endangered species. The plan is open to public comment, and they need to hear your support for this proposal!

Contact NOAA and let them know that designating critical habitat would be a crucial first step in protecting the Cook Inlet beluga. »
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