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How to Go Green- Work from Home

You can also work to support and promote go green by working from home as it will help you to save a lot of power consumption and also it is a very good way to go green. You can opt to work from home rather than going to office. The concept of working from home sounds ideal and there are many people who are working from home but it is not as easy as it sounds. This requires maintenance of a good working atmosphere at home and it has great emotional and productive benefits as well for those who think that they can work better at home with a space. This will help you to avoid the production of carbon which you otherwise might be producing through the consumption of car fuel and disposable boxes of lunch, etc. This article will give you some great tips through which you can work from home with productivity and also you can manage to go green.

Tips for Green Work from Home:

1. The first thing to start your green work from home is to discuss the idea with your current boss. You can ask him to allow you to work from home even once or twice a week and it can make a great difference to the environment. But if your employer refuses to agree, you must look for some other job which can facilitate you to work from home. You can also think of starting your own business to go green.

2. You can also help to promote go green by changing your office environment into a green work place and it will surely help you to increase the productivity of your work place.

3. The next thing you can do is the selection of your desk where you will spend most of the time while doing work. Avoid using any desk which is not made up of environment friendly material. Prefer to choose a wooden desk which is sustainable or any metal desk which is non toxic.

4. You must look for a good seating adjustment as you are going to spend the whole day while working on the computer and your sitting posture can affect your neck, back and shoulder muscles. You should choose a chair which can support you to have a good seating posture and for this also prefer the sustainable wood and non toxic material of dye used on the chair wood and fabric.

5. Computer is a must tool for work but the choice of computer is also important. If you are going to use computer for simple tasks, then avoid having any complicated processor and prefer some simple processor. Try to buy the EPEAT certified computers and laptops as they are made up of less toxic materials.

6. Since you need to stay in touch with a lot of people while working, you must prefer the equipment which is green.

7. Avoid having a stock of pens and papers on your desk and try to keep it green by limiting it to couple of pens and a few papers.

8. If you are keeping your record online, then you must avoid using paper and it is a great way to go green.

9. Working from home is green but it will also affect your social interaction and you must keep your life social by going outside daily for a walk as it will help you to stay healthy and active.

How to Go Green: Spring Cleaning

At the end of winter and the start of spring, most of us open up our windows to start the spring cleaning. Although not all of us try to clean the house to welcome the spring, many are there who do the cleaning when the spring starts. While cleaning your house you must avoid all those methods which are anti-green.

The most important aspect to keep your cleaning green is the avoidance of the use of all those supplies which are supported by antibacterial chemicals. You can use the natural ingredients like baking powder and vinegar to clean your shelves and cabinets. So you can start your spring cleaning of the home by starting your work from the trouble places. You can reuse and recycle many of the ingredients which are mostly thrown off while cleaning the house. This article is about all those tips which can help you to recycle and reuse the items which you are otherwise going to waste.

Great Tips for Spring Cleaning:

1. The first step towards your thorough cleaning is to get rid of all un-necessary and unused items available in your drawers and shelves. Clean each and every closet and cabinet to get rid of all extra and unwanted stuff to avoid your home getting messy. This will help you to keep your house clean in less time during future days.

2. Once you have short listed the whole stuff, avoid throwing it immediately; have a look at the stuff and sort out the items which can be reused. This will surely help you avoid the wastage of money on the purchase of items in replacement of the short listed stuff.

3. If you find that the stuff you have got rid of cannot be used any more, you can donate the stuff to show good will and it can be recycled by donation. You can also sell the items and make some money.

4. The last thing which you can do with the exhausted stuff is to give it for recycling as it is environment friendly and will help you support the clean environment around you.

5. The next step in cleaning is to have a look at the items you are left with and see if you need to buy something and avoid buying too much to create the mess again. Keep your shelves clean, spacious and environment friendly.

6. You can buy the supplies used for organic cleaning which are eco friendly but you can also make your own cleaning supplies which will surely keep things green. You can use a combination of vinegar or washing soda and hot water to clean the house with an environment friendly cleaner.

7. While cleaning your home, you must avoid the wastage of items while cleaning as it will be an eco-friendly cleaning.

Try to be eco-friendly and use the green supplies and home made cleaning supplies to keep the environment clean and avoid using the toxic materials for cleaning.

South Atlantic Fishery limits and accountability measures

Hi Natures Organic Market,

You were one of more than 30,000 Care2 members who signed the petition to end overfishing and protect ocean ecosystems in the southeastern U.S. -- and today, we have great news to report! The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council listened to your voice and approved annual catch limits and accountability measures for 9 of the 10 species undergoing overfishing in the region.

This measure includes new protections for the critically endangered Warsaw grouper and speckled hind and for snowy grouper, which is vulnerable to extinction according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The amendment is now on its way to the Secretary of Commerce for final approval.

The Council also moved forward on details of an amendment to end overfishing and rebuild the red snapper population, which includes a closure to all red snapper fishing and of selected ocean areas to bottom fishing for snapper and grouper species. The Council's preferred alternative closes bottom fishing from just north of Charleston, South Carolina, to Cape Canaveral, Florida, from 98 feet to 300 feet in depth to protect red snapper that are often caught accidentally when fishermen target other snapper and grouper species. The Council is expected to take a final vote on the long-term red snapper plan sometime next year.

Care2 and our friends at the Pew Environment Group's Campaign to End Overfishing in the Southeast sincerely appreciate your support. We are optimistic that the broad and diverse input the Council received from you and thousands of others in the region will help restore healthy, productive fish populations for the benefit of our communities and future generations.

From Care2 Thank you,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

P.S. Successes like this remind us all that signatures on Care2 petitions really do matter!

World of Warmcraft - Jon Stewart of the Daily Show

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
World of Warmcraft
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Jon Stewart of the Daily Show with the World of Warmcraft pokes fun at the anti environmental movement and global warming experts commenting at Copenhagen plus all the VIPs at the conference who didn't car pool.

Organic Products Arrive by Christmas at Natures Organic Market

Natures Organic Market Newsletter
December 15th, 2009
Dear Rod,

Winter Holiday Sale at Natures Organic Market with your favorite organic and Green products 15-35& off their already low price. Find high quality organic tea, organic toys, organic baby clothes, and more all at reduced rates while supplies last.
Winter Holiday Sale
15% to 35% Off
Organic and Green Products
Featured Product
Fairytale Knit Stuffed Animals - 17% Off
knit monkeyMake a child's Christmas with a cute Fairytale Knit Collection stuffed animal made with organic cotton. You won't find a cuter baby toy than the Fairytale monkey or bunny.

Fairytale Knit stuffed animal ship same day to make sure it arrives by Christmas.
More Great Organic Products On Sale turtle footed
Natures Organic Market is offering its best and most popular products at severe discounts for this holiday season. Find some of your favorite products listed below or go to the Holiday Sale to see all the great savings.

Dapple Baby Dish Soap - 29% Off

More Milk Plus - 16% Off

Spring Green Organic Tea - 27% Off

Sea Turtle Footed Playsuit
- 30% Off

All Winter Holiday Sale Items Ship Same Day
Rod Hoss
Natures Organic Market
Save 35%
No need to enter any coupon code. All discounts are automatic and will show up instantly in your shopping cart.

Plus, take additional savings with multiple item orders.

Offer Expires: Discounts are automatic

Organic iced tea flavors

A cup of hot organic tea with rich aroma is certainly invigorating. But in summer as the day advances, hot tea is certainly not a welcome decision. So in those circumstances organic iced tea will be most preferred.

What is iced tea?

In simple terms, iced tea is just cold tea. Organic tea which is known for its aroma and flavor is quite refreshing during hot summer. Making of iced tea is quite simple and does not take much time.

How to prepare iced tea?

Tea bags: For making eight cups of tea, about 15 tea bags are required. Of course, it depends on how strong the tea should be. If you want more strong tea, use more bags. For light tea, reduce the number of bags accordingly.

Boil water: Take about eight cups of water, put a pinch of baking soda and then boil the water. Be sure that it is normal water which we use for regular cooking.

Tea bags: Take a heat proof pitcher; put the required tea bags in it. Once the water starts to boil, take it out of flame and pour the boiling water on the tea bags in the pitcher. Ensure that all the tea bags are submerged in the hot water. Allow the tea bags to stay in the hot water for about five minutes. If it is left for too much of time, then tannin present in the tea may get into the water in excess quantity and the tea may taste bitter. Of course, baking soda will reduce the bitterness. But baking soda may not work well if the tannin content is more than the minimum level.

Remove tea bags: After about five minutes, remove tea bags and add required quantity of sugar. Some prefer sugar syrup because it mixes well and fast. Add some lemon juice which enhances the taste and the aroma. But adding lemon is only optional. Some would prefer to add mint or apple juice to get a different flavor. Similarly, if you prefer, add cloves also. All these give different flavors for the tea. Actually, apple juice sweetens the tea. Depending on your choice, fruit juices like grape juice, orange juice, etc. can be added to the tea.

Refrigerate: Allow the tea to cool to room temperature and then keep the liquid in the refrigerator for about one to two hours. Now your iced tea is ready. Pour it in long glasses and add some ice cubes before serving.

Why choose 100% organic toys for your child?

Need for organic toys:

Children are attracted towards the toys because of the color and the shape of the toys. Some of the manufacturers of toys use materials which are artificially prepared. Researchers have shown that artificial products cause many ailments. So it affects the health of the child. They cause serious ailments like allergies, asthma and even cancer. Therefore a need has now arisen to provide our children with organic toys which are manufactured using organic materials. Such toys are available in the market and the child will be safe by using such organic toys. While playing, children have the habit of putting the toys in their mouth. If the toys are made using chemical substances, the chemicals would enter the body of the child and this affects the health of the child.

How safe are organic toys?

Organic toys are eco friendly. They do not harm the health of the child. The products that have gone into the making of the toys, say for example wood, are not exposed to any type of pesticides. They are free from chemicals and hazardous paints, etc. Many types of eco friendly organic toys are made out of wood. A toy made out of cotton cloth is another example. These products are now available in the market. Although they may cost little more than the other toys, organic toys are the safest and therefore it is worth investing in them. Stuffed animals, spoons, etc. are some of the best examples of organic toys. Even if the child puts these toys in his mouth, they do not cause any harm. So parents can safely give these toys to the child.

Their impact on environment:

Made of natural products like wood, cotton, etc., they last long. They can be repaired and reused. So they do not cause any burden on nature. In a situation where the toy needs to be discarded, it is not a burden on nature. This is because, in whatever form, it is a natural product. So nature will be willing to accept the discarded natural product into its fold. It is not so in case of artificial products. For example toys made out of plastic, even after years of their discard, nature will not accept the plastic products. On the other hand, plastic products even spoil the soil condition and therefore in whatever form, plastic is dangerous and not eco friendly.

Organic Green Tea Including Rishi Tea for All Natural Great Taste and Flavor

Organic green tea by Rishi Tea offers traditional 900 year old green tea process to create all natural great tasting flavor

Protein Deficiency Symptoms

Proteins are those macronutrients that are really essential for every person irrespective of age and sex. Eating protein rich food in the daily meal reduces appetite. In addition it also provides the power that is used by the body to convert the proteins into carbohydrates by the process known as Gluconeogenesis. There are several other important roles of proteins as well for example they are essential for body because they have nitrogen that is useful and is even must for the production of antibodies.

Now-a-days most of the people suffer from the problem of excess weight. They try several things to get rid of this problem. So if you are worried for excess weight as well, then proteins are there to help you a lot. It is so because proteins also help to lose the weight. Thus there are several advantages of proteins and its deficiency can lead to severe problems.

High protein foods help in the proper functioning of the immune system. Proteins also help in maintaining the health of your nails, hair as well as skin. In addition, proteins also help in production of enzymes.

The general amount of protein that an individual require is mainly dependant upon his/her age, health as well as weight. Normally, adult women require 0.75g/kg proteins while adult men require 0.84g/kg. However, 1kg of proteins is mainly required by people above 70 years and breastfeeding women. So the man who is of 75kg in weight would require 63g of proteins daily.

The requirement of proteins of adolescents and children vary as per their weight and age as well. It is must for every person to have sufficient amount of protein rich balanced diet in order to maintain the proper protein level in their body. Some best sources of proteins are: eggs, dairy products, meat, fish, lentils, beans, nuts, pulses, whey as well as soy products, grains (wheat, barley, corn etc.)

Thus, from the above briefing you would surely know about protein’s significance for your body. People who are not aware about such facts and are happy with their unbalance daily diet mainly develop protein deficiency symptoms that are just symptoms for the bigger problems afterwards.

If a person suffers from low energy, fatigue, depression, muscles weaknesses etc, then these signs are counted as protein deficiency symptoms. However, they may or may not happen just because of protein deficiency. There may be several other reasons behind them as well. Some specific protein deficiency symptoms found in most of the people are Fatigue, lethargy, decreased mass of muscles, edema in feet, hand or even in abdomen, impaired healing of wound etc.

It is often seen that people mainly who are vegetarian and who do not take balanced diet suffer from the problem of protein deficiency. If they include balanced ratio of grains, vegetables, dried beans, soy milk, vegetables etc in their meals, then they would never suffer from such protein deficiency symptoms. In addition, peanuts and other types of nuts are also key source of proteins. However, those who are non-vegetarian and eat egg, meat, beef, poultry, fish as well as dairy products, rarely have protein deficiency symptoms.

Some common protein deficiency symptoms that indicate that your body requires some extra amount of high protein foods are: Weight loss, muscles wasting, weakness and fatigue, frequent infections, sever edema (retention of fluid), slow development and growth in the children. In addition some specific type of protein deficiency symptoms are: Kwashiorkor, pluckable and brittle hair, alopecia, decreased pigmentation in hair, meuhrcke’s lines in nails, delay in healing of wounds, decubitus ulcers, crazy paving and flaky paint dermatitis, etc.

These protein deficiency symptoms can lead to some emotional as well as mental risks such as: apathy, anxiety, depression, irritability, moodiness, intolerance, mental alertness decrement, concentration, comprehension, increase of hunger and weight and many others serious problems. Thus, protein deficiency could prove as a major cause to make mental health of an individual weak and poor.

In addition, above protein deficiency symptoms can incorporate some physical risks like: gallstones, cold intolerance, fatigue, fainting, weakness, gouty arthritis, cardiac disorder, anemia, headaches, lean tissue loss, edema, hair loss, thinning of hair, hypotension, muscle cramps, death etc.

Thus it is very important to take proper protein rich diet in the food. It is advisable that as soon as you see any of the protein deficiency symptoms you must pay attention towards it and plan your food accordingly so as to improve your required protein level.