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When should you buy organic

It is indeed a much better choice to make organic food the normal diet for you and your family but sadly organic food is expensive and it can be out of reach for most people. So you can balance your expenses by choosing when to buy organic and when you can buy non organic food. There are foods that can be considered safe even though they are not organic.

1. Avocado: They have a thick skin that protects the food from chemical residue of pesticides. However, do ensure that you rinse it in water before you peel it open.

2. Banana: Again this is a fruit which has a skin that will be discarded. Buy them when they are yellow with tips that are green. They can ripen on the kitchen counter.

3. Pineapple: This has a spiny and thick hard skin that protects the fruit inside.

4. Kiwi: It has a fuzzy skin that acts as a barrier. However, do ensure that you rinse it thoroughly before eating.

5. Mango: This is another fruit that has a thick skin that is discarded, hence safe to eat non organic. However rinse before eating.

6. Papaya is another such fruit. Rinse the fruit, peel it and discard the peel before eating.

Vegetables that are safe to eat even if they are non organic

1. Asparagus: It is a vegetable that is safe from pests. You can buy them non organic. As with the fruits rinse it thoroughly before cooking.

2. Broccoli: Another hardy vegetable that pests seem to not like. So it is safe to eat.

3. Cabbage: Similar to the above two, it is hardy, relatively ignored by pests so does not need too many pesticides. You can discard the top leaves so that you do not need to contend with pesticides at all.

4. Onions: They also do not face many pest threats so are not overloaded with pesticides.

The rule of the thumb here is to buy fruits and vegetables that have thick peels which will be discarded while cooking from the conventional sources. However if the vegetable or fruit has a thin skin, you should ensure that you purchase these from organic sources. You do not need to take a risk with your health and the health of your family. Always take care to rinse the fruit or vegetable prior to using them even if you are going to discard the peel.

Do most organic compounds contain carbon?

Yes, in order to be classified organic, the compounds have to contain carbon. This however must not be confused with the use of the term “organic” in popular terminology in which "organic" means natural and healthy. If we are discussing scientific terminology, as per that, an organic compound that comprises of one or more atoms of various elements will contain carbon in various combinations with elements like oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur and nitrogen etc.
All organic compounds need to contain carbon to be considered organic. Identifying such compounds is a science in itself. Organic compounds are identified firstly by the fact that they have carbon. They are also identified by chemical reaction for instance how they are broken down (in cases like proteins being broken down or amides in the digestive system). They are also identified by the molecular structure. These are the various ways to identify organic compounds. It can be a bit confusing for the lay man who considers water organic since it comes from natural sources, but since it does not contain carbon, it is not classified as organic in chemistry.

Another important component in an organic compound is hydrogen. Actually a compound needs to contain both hydrogen and carbon for it to be considered organic. Therefore carbon dioxide is not organic, because even though it contains carbon it does not contain hydrogen.

Some instances of organic compounds are glucose, fructose, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine.

A nutrient may or may not be an organic compound. An excellent example of this is the fact that plants do not need any organic compound for their nutrition. They make their own nutrients using inorganic material like water, carbon dioxide, minerals and even oxygen. However human beings need both organic and inorganic nutrients. To be a nutrient, the compound needs to be biodegradable. It needs to be broken down by the living organism into smaller parts that can then be absorbed by the body for its own food.

Let us consider the case of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. These are valuable nutrients that are used by the body. Now all the above mentioned compounds are biological compounds and are biodegradable and are absorbed by the human body. All organic compounds are biodegradable and therefore do not disturb the ecological balance of the planet. Even oils, alcohols, etc are biodegradable. Often all that is needed is the right sort of enzyme to break them into smaller particles for easy absorption.

What is organic food?

Food is considered organic if it is grown in the olden non-chemical way. Let me clarify this. All food was once upon a time grown without the aid of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Livestock grazed on grass that was not contaminated by chemical residues. Moreover they were not forced to grow to full size by unnatural usage of growth hormones.

With the progress of science, human beings discovered a lot of chemicals and used these to eradicate pests, boost the crop yield and artificially stimulate livestock to grow to full size. This was done with the aim of reducing labor and production costs. At first people found this very beneficial but slowly began to realize the heavy price they paid for this benefit. The chemicals used are leaving a residue in the fruits, vegetables and meats which when consumed get stored in the fat cells of the human body. These then acts upon the cells causing mutation that leads to health problems like cancer, ADHD, depression and allergies.

Some farmers never adopted the chemical farming methods. They relied on the age old techniques of farming like crop rotation, manure and compost fertilizers and used no artificial hormones for their livestock. Produce from such farms is considered to be organic.

Organic farming is healthy for both the human body and the environment. All organic produce is governed by strict federal laws. They are constantly inspected by the authorities who ensure that no toxic chemicals are used either for fertilizing the crop or as pesticides. Moreover, the harvest is tested to ensure that no toxic residues are present in the crop. Only then do the Federal authorities certify that the crop is organic and permit it to be sold as such. A similar process is carried out for processed foods that are sold under the organic label.
Organic food is beneficial for the environment. It is natural, and no chemicals, growth hormones and artificial pesticides and fertilizers are used to grow them. It reduces carbon footprint, it does not pollute the soil or the ground water. This helps the planet environment and preserves ecological balance. The food is tastier and more nutritious. Of course there are many people who differ from this school of thought. However, since many chemicals that are known to be toxic are used in conventional farming, it is only common sense that we are benefited by avoiding them.

What does organic mean?

You check out a package at your local supermarket and find that the package is labeled organic and it costs almost twice as much and the same product which does not have “organic” labeling. You wonder, what does organic mean?

There are three types of organic labeling which are

100% organic
Made from organic ingredients
All natural

According to USDA regulations, the first type of organic food i.e. 100% organic has to comprise of all organic ingredients. However processed organic food is different. If the label says “organic” and it is a processed food, it means that the food is permitted to have up to 5% non organic additives.

If the label says, made from organic ingredients, you better check up what else has been added to it.

Till some time ago, the only five ingredients that could be added to organic food were cornstarch, unbleached lecithin, pectin, water extracted gum, and kelp. USDA added 38 more ingredients and stirred up a hornets nest. Organic farmers who have toiled for 25 years to keep the purity of their label intact are alarmed. They are concerned that adding these 38 ingredients which include frozen lemongrass, hops, fish oil, sausage casing, many food colorings, and starches to the list takes away from the quality and credibility of their product.

As consumers we need to be aware that there are different degrees of organic, and some of them not worth the high price we pay for our food choice. We need to be aware that only the product labeled as 100% organic are completely free of non organic ingredients and safe to eat. It is best to avoid packaged organic food or at the very least exercise care while buying this. The good news is that the new national list has not been finalized yet. However there are indications that most of the 38 proposed items will remain on the list.

There is a lot of misconception out there. Consumers need to be aware of the following:

Organic packaged food is permitted to contain a small amount of ingredients that are not organic. Study the product content list to be sure of what you are consuming.

Farmers pay to get organic certification. If you visit your local farmer’s market, you can get good organic food, without the label. Just inquire how the small farmers grow their food.

“All natural” label is a marketing gimmick. It means nothing

Organic does not equal to good health. Organic simply means that the method to grow the produce is approved and certified as organic.

Why Eat Organic Food

Eating habits are truly formed in our childhood. It is definitely easier when our parents have put healthy food on the table and we grow up eating such food. When we were children, we just ate what our mother put on the table. Those days nobody had heard of organic food. However, we were fortunate. Our mother cooked whatever grew in our garden. So we grew up eating natural and organic food.

Why eat organic food? Well let me explain. Our body needs nutrients to maintain health. These nutrients are absorbed from the food we eat and the food we do not eat.

Food can broadly be categorized as belonging to three major food groups, protein, carbohydrates and fat. Each of them has their own role in maintenance of body health. We need each and every one of them.

If you do not eat fat, as people commonly do, then you will develop a deficiency in fatty acids that are so important for the body. Your body will begin to starve. It will send hunger signals and you will end up over eating.

This can work in another way too. If you eat hydrogenated oils, they will inhibit your body’s capacity to absorb nutrients. This will also lead to your body sending out hunger signals. These oils are artificially created, and are simply not beneficial to you. You should avoid taking hydrogenated oils. Nutrients are very important for health, right down to our body cells, and one should avoid anything that inhibits their absorption.

These days we get many foods that are non-organic and grown with the help of chemicals. This is dangerous since chemicals do not help the body in any way. They do not give the body any nutrients. They change the body, right down to our body cells.

We need to understand what processed food is and how it is made. While processing food, nutrients are leached out of it, leading to a tasteless and bland food. So manufacturers add food additives to replace the taste. Food additives are chemicals and they do nothing good for our bodies, instead they harm the body. We can simply not replicate what occurs naturally in nature. Moreover our bodies are adapted to the nutrients in the same proportion as what occurs naturally. This cannot be replicated by our science.

The best thing we can do for our health is to eliminate processed food and go for organic food. We owe it to ourselves and our health to make this choice.

What is organic

Organic is a general term that has various different definitions. If you ask a chemist he would say that it refers to a class of chemical compounds that have a carbon and hydrogen. Hence all hydrocarbons are organic.

A biologist would say that organic refers to living organisms and use the term in relation to living beings for example organic life, organic disease, organic growth etc.

These days the term organic is increasingly being used to denote a lifestyle that is eco friendly and green. It also is used in relation to foodstuff that is grown or raised on farms that do not use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and growth hormones. This has led to the use of such terms like organic vegetables, organic eggs, organic milk and organic pesticide (manure).

Organic vegetables and fruits are those crops that are grown without usage of chemical pesticides. No artificial fertilizer is used in such farms. These farms also do not use sewage sludge, radiation or genetic engineering. This means one does not have to worry about residue of pesticides and fertilizers that may lead to ailments. Since GM food is not produced here, we do not have to be concerned about cellular damage in our bodies.

Organic chicken, meat and diary products are also raised in a non-toxic way. They are raised and slaughtered humanely. They are not fed antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic chicken are cage-free and cattle are free range. These livestock are also raised to be vegetarian. Of course when the organic animals are ill, they are often given home remedies. In case they are given antibiotics their organic classification is permanently withdrawn.

Eco friendly methods of farming are used like crop rotation, composting and crop is grown which are best suited for the region where the farm is located. For instance watermelons are not grown in cold regions and peas in the desert. This means that organic products are healthier for people, animals and also the environment.

The only disadvantage with organic products is that they are very expensive. They may even cost twice as much as crops grown the conventional way. This is because they are labor intensive and cost effective short cuts like chemical pesticides and fertilizers can not be used. Weeding is done manually and with the help of natural predators. This is the price one has to pay for being eco-friendly and going organic.

Does Organic Food Need to be Washed

All fruit and vegetables need to be washed – yes even organic. You must do this even if there is no dirt or soil clinging to the food. Fruit and vegetable are handled by the growers, the transport people, the packers and then the store people. You never know what bacteria the food may be carrying. So as a normal practice do wash the food so that your family eats food that is clean and healthy.

Follow the proper washing technique to ensure that your fruit and vegetable are healthy to eat. This is true for all food products even organic. It is an excellent practice to wash all your organic food under a strong stream of water. Soil contains bacteria and this, in addition to natural fertilizers, can be harmful to health. So why take a chance?

Actually properly aged manure does not contain bacteria, but we can not be sure that the manure has been aged for a long time. It is better to be safe and wash the produce so that any contact with manure is washed away.

Organically grown salad mixes are pre-washed and packaged. Even then, it is a good idea to open the package and run the food under a strong stream of water. You can then toss it dry. It just takes a few moments and you will have ensured that your food is properly clean and healthy to eat.

We all know that conventional food is dangerous and this is why we have shifted to organic food. We can definitely take the time out to make the effort to ensure that any contaminant that may have come in contact with the food product due to handling is also eliminated. This is why organic foods need to be washed. It is irresponsible to even consider not washing them. Washing does not take away from the freshness of the produce or the myriad health benefits the food will give us and our families.

It is simply common sense and household hygiene to wash our food, rinse it, wash our hands and eat off clean plates. I have yet to meet any one who says that organic food does not need to be washed. We need to eat clean food, and washing ads to the health benefits. So next time you pick up the organic peach or apple or are fixing some salad greens, wash them under a stream of water, toss them dry and then eat them.

How Does Organic Food Affect Your Body

Present day health conscious people are attracted more towards natural living fundamental, which includes organic foods as well. But, why do people prefer organic foods instead of conventional foods? How does organic ingredients affect your body? Organic products actually are specially grown food products, rich in organic ingredients, inculcated deliberately. Diets rich in organic health items give natural and fresh dose to the body, as compared to the pesticide inflicted non-organic foods, generally available in the market. Sometimes, conventional foods contain genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Problems associated with non-organic foods The following problems are commonly associated with non-organic products:

Low energy Levels

Low libido

Low motivation levels

Low metabolism Benefits of organic foods for the body Organic items provide not only mental and emotional benefits, but also the physical ones. Therefore, organic foods are fulfilling mentally, physically, and psychologically. Organic products do not contain toxins such as pesticides, antibiotics, additives, and nitrates that are mostly present in non-organic foods. According to an article in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, organic foods are nearly the best ones in the terms of nutritional quality.

Nutrients content of organic foods

Haves: Some of the rich nutrients, largely available in organic health items are:

Chromium - A micro-nutrient, found less in conventional food. Its deficiency may cause diabetes and atherosclerosis in adults.

Selenium - An antioxidant micro-nutrient, which protects from cancer, heart disease, and environmental chemical

Calcium - A mineral required for strong bones and teethes

Boron - This trace element prevents osteoporosis

Lithium - Good for the treatment of certain level of depression

Magnesium - Decreases the death rate, caused due to heart attacks and eases the symptoms of PMS

Vitamins - They are necessary for the body in limited supply for its proper functions and its protection against toxins. Vitamins A, B, C (antioxidant), and beta carotene (immunity booster & prevents lung cancer) are found well in organic foods

Have Nots: According to the researchers, organic foods contain less level of minerals, especially the following heavy metals:

Aluminum - Is responsible for the development of Alzheimer's disease

Lead - Has mental implications and can adversely affect children's IQ

Mercury - It causes neurological damage

Therefore, consuming organic produce is certainly a good idea and promise for good health and long lives, provided you follow the right diet patterns coupled with regular exercising! Organic products have health benefits for you and for the environment that makes long term differences.

Natures Organic Market offers discount prices on organic baby clothes, organic coffee, and more.

Health Files: Buying organic Video

CNN's Gerri Willis shows how you can stretch your money while buying organic food and products.

What Does Certified Organic Coffee Mean?

What does the term “Certified Organic Coffee” found on certain labels imply. One would see many labels with this term in the coffee market. Some manufacturers have this term on the brand just to promote the sales of their coffee. On some labels there is a term called as “partially organic”, which implies that the coffee has been manufactured using some organic products and some other chemically processed products.

The term “Certified Organic Coffee” means that the coffee has been manufactured using the environmentally safe methods and procedures. All the ingredients that have been used in the manufacturing of coffee are natural, and do not pose any kind of side effects. The term “Certified Organic Coffee” implies that the product is extremely safe to be used by the public.

It is very important for the consumers to be conscious of the implication of the organic products on the body of the human beings and the environment. The organic nature of the product implies that the growth, processing and production of the product have gone through all the safe standards of the environment. After passing all these stages successfully, the product is given the label of “Certified Organic Coffee”.

One who has the certified organic coffee product in his home is free from any harmful environmental hazards due to the coffee. It further has an implication that the farmers who are growing the crops of coffee do not make use of fertilizers and pesticides that are based on chemicals to produce the coffee. Certified organic coffee products are also beneficial for the soil and the wild life as great consideration and concern is shown towards them.

The chemicals have a great impact on the health of the individuals. Thus, organic coffee products help in preventing the people from getting affected due to illnesses and chronic diseases that have a great impact on the health of an individual. The manufacturers of Certified Organic Coffee assure that all the necessary precautions have been taken for eliminating the chemicals in the manufacturing process of the coffee that have a great harmful impact on the health of the individuals. The trees for growing organic coffee are planted in an environment that is very safe and where there is a great role of the wild life in up-keeping the trees. The farmers ensure to maintain several types of insects, which help in eliminating the pest, thus encouraging the healthy growth of coffee producing trees. The measures that are used by the farmers for carrying out the farming process are also well maintained.

How is organic coffee produced

Organic coffee is becoming exceptionally popular do to its healthier benefits over traditional coffee. Plus, organic coffee is grown with eco safe farming practices.


( October 10, 2008 --
What is Organic in the first place?

In the contemporary world organic agricultural production means using traditional methods and materials which are least harmful the surrounding environment. Like Mother Nature for millions of years, the organic agricultural production methods keeps rejuvenating the nutritional richness of soil and sustains its fertility. In the organic agricultural production methods toxic and harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides/insecticides are generally shun and at dire situations minimally used. Instead of them organic methods build biologically diverse agriculture to create the same effect naturally.

The meaning of Organic Coffee

Organic coffee means naturally shade grown coffee untouched by any harmful synthetic chemical and more importantly untouched by merely commercial and profit oriented methods that sacrifice environment leading to local ecological imbalance like severe deforestation, soil erosion and depletion etc.

Organic in the present profit oriented commercial situation of the world means ‘responsible living’, ‘protecting the earth for progeny’, ‘understanding the earth as a living system’ and ‘being knowledgeable about the harms of destroying any part of the eco system’ and so on.

‘Organic’ is the lifeline of future of the health of the earth and humankind.

The ‘real’ ‘natural’ and ‘actual’ coffee

In nature, coffee plants grow under the shade of other trees without needing much direct sun light. Growing under shade trees also means the falling leaves of other trees in due course of time turn out to be excellent natural manure. The layer on layer of fallen leaves works as a blanket to keep the soil moisture protected and intact. The lower layers with moisture and humidity compost and this natural fertilizer keeps the soil nutrients remain in natural balance without being depleted. And the soil remains fertile.

The rich canopy of shade trees also remains the home for varieties of birds which live on insects which in turn are dangerous pests of coffee plants. Due to the presence of large number of bird population, no need arises to use any harmful chemical insecticides. Thus, in the total absence of harmful chemical fertilizers or insecticides the pest controlling birds flourish and the environment remains naturally healthy and life sustaining and supportive.

The coffee grown in this natural environment is the actual coffee that enchanted the mankind through centuries with its taste and flavor.

The method of growing organic coffee

The natural and traditional method to start with involves inter-planting, which means, coffee plants planted along with other shade giving trees contrasting the commercially grown coffee under direct sun light without shade giving trees.

Secondly to allow the falling leaves of trees to compost to form natural fertilizer and to leave the fallen leaves without disturbing them to protect the soil moisture.

Thirdly by allowing the bird population to grow through avoiding felling of shade giving trees and the birds that live on small insects keeps the coffee plants bereft of pests. Birds are natural pesticide and insecticide provided by the nature and going along with nature is what organic method of growing coffee.

And finally through avoiding strictly the use of any chemical fertilizer, pesticide or insecticide the integrity of the natural taste and flavor of coffee is kept intact.

The last step of decaffeinating

For decaffeinating the organic coffee, it is essential to avoid using the commercially used chemical like methylene chloride or ethyl acetate which is considered harmful to human health and carcinogenic. And using such chemicals in the process of decaffeinating coffee beans actual corrupts the original taste and flavor of coffee.

To decaffeinating organic coffee, only certified organic decaffeination processes should be applied or it should be done by using just water to wash off caffeine using the much acclaimed and approved ‘Swiss Water Process’. This is the only accepted method for organic coffee to remain really organic and healthy.

Welcome Organic Coffee

Coffee thus produced under shade trees without the use of any harmful chemicals, be it fertilizer or insecticide and produced without harming the environment in any way like felling of trees leading to deforestation, and which results in soil erosion or depletion of natural nutrients of the soil and decaffeinated through right process is what organic coffee – the natural taste of coffee. And welcoming the organic coffee is a meaningful contribution you render to environmental protection and leave behind a healthy earth for our progeny.

For more information:

Organic Coffee with Great Taste Produced with Eco Safe Farming Techniques

Organic coffee is a great way to wake up in the morning while getting pure coffee flavor and aroma without harmful pesticides.

Truth About Organics Video

Grow Your Own Organic Garden Video

How Do I Know If My Product is Organic

What is organic food? The term is becoming more popular. In the United States for a product to claim that it is 100% organic is has to produced following legally regulated guidelines and be subject to strict testing. Typically to because of the detail involve to get the ultra healthy organic food it costs more than the fertilizer and pesticide rich alternatives.

The term organic means that the food was produced without the use of conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or sewage, and that no artificial additives to included in the process. When the term organic relates to animals like beef, the animals are free of antibiotics and growth hormones given typically to make the animals bigger.

In the beginning the only place to get organic food was from your local farmers market. Not any more. Now, family run farms are being over taken by commercial operations that produce still 100% organic food faster and meet the new demand for the products. The United States has grown by 17-20% in organic food sales in the last few years. You can now get organic products from online retailers to Wal-Mart.

In the United States, companies have to pass tough testing and regulations to call their products organic. The term certified organic means that the USDA has certified that the product in question is actually 100% organic. A farmer commercial or family run must apply for their certification. Not all organic food is certified. Food products can be organic and just not have gone through the approval process to be certified.

With the every increasing demand for organic products, more and more products are finding their way into becoming organic. Now, coffee, ice cream, and ketchup can all be found with organic labels and ingredients. There is now an overwhelming change from the overly processed foods that line our grocery stores to more all natural products.

The term all natural is not govern, so the only way to know a product is organic is to get it from a trusted source or grown it yourself. The ladder probably isn't going to happen for most of us. All natural products are not necessarily bad. They are just not going through the certification process to be considered 100% organic.

Looks for the organic label from your trusted places you buy your products. You will have to make the decision on the products that might be 70% or 35% organic. For some products that is as good as it gets for the time being. With the demand high more and more products will start becoming organic. They have to.

Natures Organic Market has low prices on organic baby clothes, organic protein bars, and more.

What is Organic Farming and is it Important

Organic farming is a broad concept with extreme application. It is well appreciated on a large scale by the people as now with the help of it they can easily grow their own food. If you have a little bit of free time with you then you need not to face any kind of problem. You can prepare and serve good quality delicious food by doing organic farming at your home.

It is not true that organic farming is practiced at a small scale only. By having a trip of farming sector you can easily understand how much vast this sector actually is. This is not the case some time before. Few years back it was not a highly thriving and demanding sector but now the case has totally changed. It is now not limited to a small scale industry as day by day more corporate sectors are taking interest in this field. Large corporate farming is taking keen interest in the concept of organic farming. Continuous research is going on to find out the way by which huge fields of a single crop can be grown. No one can deny the fact that in the process of organic farming, pests are believed to be the major threat. Due to harmful impact on the biodiversity unnatural pesticides are not much preferred to use.

If you are going for the natural pesticides for controlling the pests then it is certainly an eco friendly approach but believed to be much expensive in contrast to unnatural ones. Some time before, due to expensive nature they were not much preferred in the process of organic farming. After the entrance of large scale industries with huge budget this can be achieved now very easily. Natural pesticides can be a good option when it is about the large scale organic farming but if you are going for it at your home or at a small scale in a separate piece of land then it is advisable to look for any other good option. This is because like other kinds of farming organic farming also requires the process of sowing, cultivating and harvesting. If you do not have proper arrangement of water for the purpose of irrigation then you require depending largely on the rain water. If you are concluding the process of organic farming at your home then irrigation is not a big issue but even at a small scale proper arrangement of water is very essential. If you do not have a huge budget with you then it can be a difficult work for you. You require investing a good amount on purchase of seeds, irrigation, fertilizers, harvesting, etc.

There is much debate till now on the use of unnatural pesticides in the process of organic farming. Several environmentalists and consumer protection organization have claimed that the use of unnatural pesticides not only damage the environment but also have an adverse impact on the quality of food. For killing the insects and pests these pesticides are used but they are not considered helpful after sometime. It is so because these insects as well as the pests easily get adapted to the effects of the chemicals involved in them and so these pesticides looses their worth. Sooner or later it damages the health of the final consumer who without knowing consumes a large amount of lethal chemicals and synthesized materials along with the natural food. Thus it is injurious for the health of the human being as well.

Thus there are several ways by which you can have your favorite vegetables as well as fruits and that too with the help of inorganic as well as organic farming. As there are several pros as well as cons of both it is up to you to decide the one that is best for you. You can make use of organic farming to turn your dreams into reality and the best part is it is already benefiting millions of people so you are not at all required to worry for it as well. offers discount prices on organic baby clothes, organic coffee, and more.

Tips for Breastfeeding Diet

There are several important things in the life of a woman. Among various things, breastfeeding is considered as the most important thing. Breastfeeding is really a very special experience for women. It is a phase of life which is equally important for both the mother as well as the child. For the women, proper diet at the time of breastfeeding is extremely important. For proper development and well being of the baby it is very important to follow some dos and don't about the breastfeeding diet.

Most of the people remain in dilemma as to take what sort of diet for breastfeeding. If you want to make some alterations in your diet then you are required to wait for a moment. To begin with, it is very important to first of all consult your health care professional so as to make sure whether the alterations made by you in the diet are going in the right direction or not. In case it is suiting your lifestyle then you can certainly go for it. However if it is not then it is advisable to leave that option and go for any other. It is so because you cannot take chances during this phase of your life.

Among various important things, the first and the most important thing is to focus on the proper intake of vitamins in the diet. If you want all the vitamins in right proportion then you cannot manage it with the help of any kind of nutritional supplement. It can be achieved only and only through a well balanced diet. Along with normal breastfeeding diets try to include some fruits as well as vegetables in it. If possible then try to go for five portions of vegetables and fruits in each day's meal. For proper amount of vitamin A and C you can include broccoli in your routine breastfeeding diet. If it is a season of winter then having a sun bath can be an outstanding idea. It is a fact that sun is a great source for vitamin D and it can fulfill your requirement in a natural way. In summer season, you can manage this requirement by going for dairy products, oily fish and margarine in your breastfeeding diet.

Some of the minerals like Zinc, Calcium and Selenium are considered very important for a breastfeeding mother. For including zinc in your breastfeeding diet you can go for red meat, sardines, baked potatoes, hard cheese, cashew nuts and fish like prawns and mackerel. The best sources for calcium include almonds, spinach, white bread, dried figs, tofu and calcium enriched Soya milk, and sardines.

This is all you require to include in your breastfeeding diet. But the description of breastfeeding diet is not confined to this only. There are some of the things which we require not to do while going for a breastfeeding diet. If you prefer the intake of alcohol then it is highly advisable not to have it now. The contents of alcohol indirectly reach to the milk which the young one sucks through the breasts. It can be extremely harmful for the physiological functions taking place inside the body of the young one.

Avoid caffeine as much as possible and go for calorie free sugar. Only go for home made food and avoid the processed food to a very extent. It is not advisable to go for foods which contain a large amount of additives in them. Thus one should not go for consuming peanuts as it is in the position to leave allergens in the breast milk thus it needs to be avoided.

If we talk generally then we can say that there is not at all any specific diet in terms of specific breastfeeding diet. The most important thing that one should take care is to focus on the well balanced diet. Still if you have any doubt or you want to know more about the breastfeeding diet, then either you surf the net or you must consult the doctor. There are several sites on the net that can provide you with all the useful information about the breastfeeding diet.

Breastfeeding is no doubt the most special gift for a woman. It is important to take care for all the aspects as then only it can prove useful for the mother as well as the baby.

Find great value on organic baby clothes, organic nursing, and more.

What is Organic Coffee and how is it Grown

Organic is a new word used in the context of coffee, tea, cocoa and other food materials in recent times around local shops and super markets. Every year the word is being used by buying public more than the previous year and its use is growing year after year resulting in higher sale proportion of tea or coffee marked as 100% organically grown.

What is organically grown?

To simply put it, organic farming methods leave least or no harmful impact on the surrounding environment. Organic agricultural production systems are mostly traditional methods evolved through learning from nature. In the organic farming methods no synthetic chemical fertilizer or pesticide is used. So that organic production means natural, pure and healthy.

How coffee grows in nature

The coffee plant does not need much direct sun light and so it grows under the shade of large trees. The ground is never sprayed with any chemical insecticide or fertilizer and so the ground water remains pure and uncontaminated. From the canopy of trees leaves fall steadily and the ground is covered by fallen leaves layer on layer. The layers of fallen leaves work as a blanket and protect the moisture of the ground. The moisture in turn help the process of compost to turn the bottom layers of leaves into natural manure to nourish the land.

The thick foliage of shade trees over the coffee bushes house many varieties of birds and also attracts the migratory birds. The birds live on small insects and pests. So they work as natural pest controllers and keep the coffee plants healthy.

The coffee that grows in the shade of other local trees become original and pure in taste and flavor Organic Coffee.

The proposed plantation site is selected carefully. And if the site was being used to grow some other crop using chemical fertilizer or chemical insecticides, then a minimum period of three years are given as conversion years for the proposed site to get over the effects of the harmful chemicals.

After the conversion years coffee bushes are planted along with local shade trees. Care is given equally to the coffee bushes and shade trees and effort is put in to leave bird population to grow undisturbed.

The fallen leaves are left undisturbed to convert into manure to nourish the land and keep it fertile. The bird population effectively controls the pests and harmful insect and protects the coffee bushes. And finally for decaffeinating, approved processes are employed including the Swiss Water process. The coffee thus produced is organic coffee.

Organic vs. commercial production

Organic production methods along with producing coffee intend to protect environment. In this process of growing coffee, more and more trees are grown due to that local biodiversity is achieved. In this method, soil fertility and nutrients are sustained. No chemical pollution is created to harm the human health.

In contrast in commercial profit oriented method of growing coffee, the trees are felled and the cumulative effect is deforestation. Deforestation leads to soil erosion and severe depletion. The commercial grower cuts trees to allow direct sun light which increases production. As there are no birds to control pests and due to the absence of trees and its natural manure, farmers are forced to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides severely harming the environment.

Organic coffee - lifeline of future

Organic production process is eco friendly and helps to repair the environment spoilt by the greedy profit oriented approach of commercial growers of coffee through growing more and more shade trees.

Protecting environment locally helps to enhance the eco system. Rejuvenation and eco system alone can help the planet from disaster and help to sustain life on this planet.

Organic coffee is our responsibility, almost a human duty and life line to healthy future of mankind. offers low prices on organic coffee, organic baby clothes, and more.